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Dustin Diamond

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Posts posted by Dustin Diamond

  1. been said graff is dead around here, with the way they got detectives for this shit theres only a few thorobreads i would trust to keep their mouth shut if they got popped, most writers around here are fuckin art kids who walk around with there blackbooks and covered in paint who would give up anyone they know in a heartbeat as soon as sullivan mentions hes giving them a couple years. days of just chillin at spots like the benches are over, fuck you cant even keep flicks on your computer cause they takin that too, people need to let the scene die down so they cant make any arrest and finally cut the stupid task force, but nope stupid fuckin idiots keep getting caught and keep them around longer

  2. dok you cant even do a peice or a straight letter, someone should have helped you out a long time ago, and as far as yetie, he showed me some things about style and we painted together i think its a little diffrent from stealing a style form a difrrent city and state and for the record i started painting rupt in 2002 befor that gay movie came out you fuckin idiot, and if what you say is true i wouyld have gottin a fair one the night i got JUMPED by your neighborhood, half the bitches with you didnt even write, at least i had enough balls to show up there and fight, i didnt run when yinz came in i stayed there with lute and weav and we threw down when 10 or more of ya came rushin at us, you gonna deny it pussy. i dont need to prove shit to you little bitches, yinz dont paint shit. im downtown everyday i aint hidin nowhere, by the way whens the last time you painted? you dont hold nothing but dick. why dont you grow a set and paint if your so bad, aint that what graffs about. if you wanna be a gangster go bust drive bys. im done with you fuckin terds post pics or shut your fuckin mouths



    first off more than 1 person uses this name, talk about you had balls to show up and fight? You stupid fuck we came to YOUR fuckin party and beat the shit out of yall and everyone there was ftc and there was def not 10 maybe 6 aint my fault your crews a bunch of pussys and watched you get your ass beat, and we used weapons what about your boys who pulled a dagger on me and guch and got they ass beat and took for they knife, or tell everyone how your stalker ass found a crew photo of us and wrote what we wrote under each of us and posted it on the internet you fuckin snitch, or how after your boys got caught the cops knew everything about the beef, how many most hated crews are there anyway aint there a couple aint there even another mean mha? or how about when you and enron had beef and seen him at the tat shop you was so shook you offered him a beer, im done with you, you are right tho i dont paint no more its snitchs like you that killed the fun of it, getting your house raided over painting a few spots aint worth it i got other problems to deal with it, im done with this internet argueing you already know how to get ahold of us and we hunted yinz down already

  3. rupt got alot of room tlkin about bittin since he bit his name of a graffiti movie and he jocked his whole style of yetie his hands his throws his peices so when you came outa nowere rockin yeties style and think now your somethin you aint shit but a fake that hides out and dont come around cause he knows his place and we dont need number any1 in the crew would give you the fair one anytime bitch so when your ready to man up pussy and show your face we can hold court

  4. Why PM? Ill put my shit and yours on blast for everyone to see. PRISM is one of the wildest. If you don't think he has it in him you must not know him. Graff isn't the only one of your games he puts to shame. And PUZ? I don't even have to go into it. Anyways it was a long time ago, but sometimes people have to be reminded how tough they really are, especially when they're putting out videos of themselves beating up suburban thugs in their parents basements.


    I told you once when grown folks talkin close your mouth, you wasnt there, i personally fought prism at the end of that fight them boys ran down the alley and why u bringin up some thats been over, and put your shit on blast, kid your too fuckin scared to say who you are and that alone lets us know we got your bitch ass shook.

  5. I'm just telling it like it is. That video is super wack. These guys werent so tough when they got their asses whooped by Puzl and Prism who then stole their cell phones. They should have put that in the video. These guys are fronts. Who's a white boy from the southside selling crack to anyways? Another whiteboy from the southside. They're not hard and neither are their pieces.


    since deleted my last response ima say it again them fools aint whoop nobody, they was the ones runnin at the end of the fight, i aint gonna get into details again, so next time grown folks talking motherfucker close your mouth.

    now im done with your bitch ass, you contribute nothing and are shook.

  6. and how the fuck would you know how i bled when you went runnin like a bitch after the forty hit, keep tryin to look cool on the internet cause thats all youll have runnin pretty soon


    how you gonna talk shit when we chased you out of your own boys crib, dumbfuck i stayed till the keg all night and never left now YOU need to dtop tryin to look cool on the internet you fuckin snake, I was the nigga kickin your car when you pulled off like a bitch with blood all over the place.


    keep this shit off the computer now and just name a time n place

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