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kid caribou

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Posts posted by kid caribou

  1. who ever did that is fucked up in the head







    And really drunk too.





    yeah fuckin right.... thats shits dope as fuck..... i know dethbed's fellin that shit too..... whatever, that dog is straight fire. big bump for kid kosek.

  2. so amo is going over esau? for what?

    and i think in order to 'punk' someone, they need to know you exist first.


    thank you seek, and if esau did go over amo why the fuck would you go to the lengths over crossing his shit out, dudes a ledgend, if he, iago, sekt, ansiq, etc went over my shit i wouldnt cross them out.... now thats just me..... and why are you still on the name callin tip, last i checked i appologised to you and amo.....and a "similar letter structure", try an exact reproduction of letter weight, overall structure, and exact repition of letter eliments originaly used by esau.

  3. so no one actually does graff is the d' land? cause i dont see any. maybe yall jus write books


    do you reside in detroit? shut your trap, sorry that us writers in "d land" are smart enough to make an educated conversation out of nothing, maybe if you come to detroit you'l see that theres plenty of writing that takes place.... and not just in the books.

  4. dam caribou i didnt have to respond everyone else told u the same stuff i would have told u...



    ummmm, not really, last i checked their was just as many posts siding w/ esau, im not tryn to beef w/ you, and yes, i shouldnt of made assumptions and called your boy a bitch, i heard he was cool as fuck even before this shit went on, so yes, i give you and amo my appologies, BUT, i just want to know why his throwies are identical to esaus.....

  5. actuly, thats not jealousy.... by all means im not trying to take stabs at amoe, im stating his thowies are identical to esaus, theres one in the market yard right next to esaus, its rediculous, if anyone cant see that, then im sorry your too ignorant to notice it, and yes seeking, i do respect you, as a incredibly talented artist, but not as a person.and you mentioned something about how amoe doesnt post his own pictures, last i checked you posted your own pictures in a thread about yourself...

  6. just read this shit.... calln my fam a bitch.. keep ur trap shut

    he ain't bite'n no one. go find the shit out before u speak......



    ok, then give me a solid answer why amoe has the right to directly bite esaus throwie structure, if you can do that, then maybe ill consider shutting my trap home boy. and i sure im not the only dude who feels this way money. that is unless amoe is esau....

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