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Everything posted by >>TYEsR1<<

  1. i have a road bike, i ant no hipster, tho's kids gave road bikes and track bikes a bad name i like em cause i can get around on the streets quick and there quiet plus there is no licenses plate road bikes are good for bombin and dropin sacks in hot places that about it. Don't profile people cause they ride bikes by all means if they look weird and you dont like it go for it but dpnt judge a book by its cover... you never know a while back i saw some dude on a fixie bike drop some Southerner in the beach flats cause he was talkin smack it was funny. :lol:
  2. motion, dome and cherry + rits vote on worst writer of the year, who ever wins gets a new scion and a kick in the balls
  3. was is it that you guys let anyone in to cfa
  4. motion should start writein poop shoot, i think every one would respect that.
  5. thats an M.4 buddy M.16's are military issue only.
  6. i ant tryin to be mean ese,ha just sayin its kinda the same. seems like all you kids are fightng for respect a fight no one ever wins.I was just saying you could use a new word ya know? aw fuck it i guess it just means you gotta put it down harder than SESTOR, ha ha that shouldnt be hard a.. ha ha i ant bagin on you like he rest of these toys are i dont even know whp this is, alot of you kids think your hard it gets old fast if you act like a gangster the graff game ant for you go join a gang and die faster. and i feel ya man i am retarded and handicapped. but dont fuck with me a have a 50 cal on my wheel chair.:D
  7. how could you get away with writen that, were less than an hour away from the real SESTOR and that fool puts in work. There a little to close there is a million words in the dictionary why don't you just find a different one, be original. seems like alot fools are biten hard now days. effects of the ounce. must just be alot of younger cats or dogs for all you e thugs fool eee.:cool:
  8. forgive and forget... they went over some pieces that had been ridein for years longer than most of you have even been painting or even been in to this shit. that HYPE was the dopest thing i have ever seen at that spot you need to learn some respect and not go over burners with thos bullshit throw up you can write no diss as much as you want but what they did speaks for its self. they didn't even cover the whole thing on top of the fact they were throw ups that were weak to began with. i would rather see a fresh buff than that shit your going to have funk with thos dudes for ever for that shit bump 2d4 for hackin them back thats what they deserve that and a train car faliing out of the sky on to them, i guess you can just blow over what ever you want now days if you just put no diss i dont know who brought you up but they sure were a stupid fuck, go listen to some rap and lift some weights. thug lyfe thizz nation yeee!.... gay.:cool:
  9. i ant sure if your stoked on this, but i don't think many people think that this is worth even posting .i ant trying to be mean but Why don't you go practice a little and spend more time painting than posting pictures and talking. Bottom line half this thread is crap one liners , ugly tags , shitty throw ups and plan stupid burners that don't even have any letter structure, tho's of you who i am speaking about should go put some time in painting or even drawing and get a little better before posting pictures of you stuff. i think if your doing throw ups and tags they should be rad considering the fact its the simplest form of a graff. like i said i ant trying to be mean or a prick i would just like to see are towns seen be half as good as it use to be maybe thats why alot of us older cats got better so quick, we didnt spend time on the internet biteing and chating we went out painting or hit the black book thats what graffiti is not some gay web site to boost are egos, when i was younger i didnt even waste my time taken pictures ,i knew the crap i did when i first started was not worth putting up hear plus when i was little you would get trashed if you posted gay shit. Graffiti is art no matter how you look at it, its not about being a gangster or some hard ass its about being new and different. STYLE iS KEY.:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
  10. other shit next to the klaps santa cruz keepin it funky
  11. i was reffering to salinas but worddddddddddd, i just dont see why we have 2.
  12. the only good side of it is that us cats for the real 831 dont have to see you garbage
  13. can some one close this gay thread santa cruz is not a supper city there is no reason for us to have to threads we can just be like every one else and have one,
  14. bump huskey ill shit maneee.
  15. ya relm realized he couldnt paint so he posts up on the internet and pays money for the dirty dozen ^^
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