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  1. smezieron


    that hoer pork is sick!
  2. smezieron


    if you don't like people commenting on your beefs, i would suggest not airing them out on here
  3. smezieron


    Avert paints good graffiti, but certain people on here don't like him as a person. We geett it alllrreeaaddy
  4. smezieron


    that was so fucking awesome
  5. smezieron


    damn you guys and your sneak peeks
  6. smezieron


    yikes, that 'hope will come' is real nice
  7. smezieron


    nice, can we get some close-ups of that wall? the avert, particularly
  8. smezieron


    is there a special way I should be pronouncing "jasf"? When I say it how it is spelled it sounds incredibly odd.
  9. smezieron


    that poor boys just-us is kickass. Nice work!
  10. smezieron


    nice nice. All those flicks were refreshing
  11. smezieron


    Hm, I really didn't think my post warranted deletion. Oh well. He did warn us to take it to PMS.
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