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Posts posted by GrooveChampion

  1. I have a steady hand and have been drawing for years, I dont care if you believe me whether i use a ruler or not, i know i don't. I'm just new to this graff thing, doesnt mean im new to drawing, christ dont get all pissed off because i can draw a straight line

  2. Regs: Keep working, definite you letters more, your R especially, otherwise pretty good

    Crave: Doing well, So you proportion is slightly off at least your letters all match up in style

    Itis: pretty cool stuff, just iron out the kinks

    Maso: I know it is tempting to try all this cool stuff that you see other graffers doing but dont do it yet, at least not in any sketches you post, Its cool to play around with effects and experiment and thats how you learn these techniques but for now you need to keep your letters more simple, It looks like you have a steady hand so it should be a problem



    New Sketches:






  3. Shit, Rend, you blew that shit up, looks good, i really like the throw up alot, High I like the last single piece that you posted, and the cool script you were doing, glad to hear you are drawing again, just finished this, kept the letters real simple



  4. Well i asked for the crits, so thanks hahah i love brutal honesty, anyway i have been working real hard on that so i dont know, i went through 2 dry erase markers last week just trying that i know what you meqan with the flow though

  5. Let me tell you guys the biggest help I have found lately. I know I am completely toy but this is hardly about style and all that other stuff.


    The truth is you really do need to stay simple and the best thing that you can do is go out and find another writer to --->TEACH<---

    you how to write graffiti.


    In fact i finally met a writer the other day and was showing him some of the shit i was posting on here, he told me to scrap it and start from the beginning. I was like what? it is not that bad, and he said you shouldnt be doing this yet, you have been trying for 3 months and your trying to do crazy shit.


    So he put me back on the HANDSTYLE, and that is what i have been doing for the past week, I bought a dry erase board and have been practicing my handstyle, One thing that i also learned is that sometimes some of your simple pieces will grow from your handy as well


    so people here who are trying to do it on your own, go find someone, find someone who even if they arent the best in the city, they can still teach you the basics, the basics opened so many doors for me and made me understand what the fuck people were talking about when they say letter structure. You have to learn letter structure in its simplest form, SINGLE LINES


    Anyway ill post some new handys when i get my camera back to working





  6. Faze first of all, THANK YOU, it was very helpful it was probably the most helpful explanation i have ever gotten. I iddI didnt understand what the big deal about width and shit is though because you are right most of the new shit doesnt look that way, and if it looks good why mess with it, alsoits not an ass comment to tell me something i forgot thanks again

  7. Not to be a jerk Vile but that piece has very little structure.

    I see the term letter structure thrown around so much these days

    on these boards but still hardly anyone truly understands what it is.


    For starters, imaging you are building your letters with boards of wood.

    The boards are all the same size but you can cut them to make them

    shorter if needed. The boards can be bended to create curves but they

    do not get wider or skinnier; they stay the same width in all areas.


    I know that's not the greatest explanation but it's easier to show with

    images than with words and I don't have time to post anything up right

    now. Maybe if I get some time later I'll post something so you can get

    a better understanding of what I mean. But start with that.


    Please do post some pics because i really really dont get it, i was pretty sure it just meant work on how i form my letters i have not idea what you mean with boards, should i layer them? please post pics i think your explanation would be alot more helpful and clearer if it had pics to go with it


    Also I have only been writing for 3 months, i dont understand more complicated structures yet




    Flux, I have a set of Prismas, i use them for other things besides graff and i have been using them since i have been a kid for the most part (my dad used them_ anyway thats what i use, i love them and i love how they color, but i used to use prisma colored pencils which are also the shit when u press hard enough you get a real good texture

  8. yeah the eyeball didnt flow right, it is not nearly as organic as it was in the sketch, it lost something with the outline, also its not an N its a V, can you point out why it was confusing to you? or is it a good thing?


    Yeah i know the handstyle BLOWS hard, i dont know how to do one though, like how do i even learn? to me it looks like people just write as sloppy as possible, any suggestions??

  9. Melo, i think that you should use that purple M in stead of the Green M on the bottom one, i think that might look really cool


    Flux, cool shit, how do you learn to do that? just practice i guess right? i love your sketches, some very interesting shapes in there that i think you should incorporate more into your drawings


    Anyway i have a new piece as well, please let me know what you all think i have been working hard on letter structure hopefully this shows improvement



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