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Everything posted by SANFRANCISCOCITY

  1. ma=biggest spot kocker s.f. has ever seen
  2. Ive seen ATARI lace up a bunch of pieces in the East bay..but most of you dont leave your little 1 mile radius so yah wouldn't know about people who get up all over the bay.....
  3. i agree with abno huggin those throws that have been there forever and you say erupto toy??? my child you have done way too many drugs.....s e t t rrrippin....
  4. this place is a sope opera....graff writers talk more gossip than any bitch I eva known...by the way that log and benet are sweetttt.....
  5. that truck is hard and nexst showin them how to do it fo sho!!!
  6. ^^^^Are you fuckining serious...Twick will you shut your fucking mouth for once...take your drama off this board... the both of you..everytime you come on here you make the both of you look like fucking idiots...Pick up a phone and handle that shit already....knowone gives a fuck about your crying and whining over some wack wall...
  7. was this shit down for a couple of days or was that my computer????
  8. you are still making yourself look stupid by coming on here and trying to prove that your crew is so dope and "icp put SF on the map"...
  9. give it up for buter because if he didn't put in all that street work they would have no bombing stats..straight up fact....where all the old ESL flicks..or big Keda....i know you got em...
  10. The Worst part about this little sope opera is that you (2ikuno) who is in ICP.. posted all this to get attention to it.....go back to painting legals...its more interesting than your drama.... dope gozer..
  11. Both sound like a bunch of high school girls....like icp would be hurt if they didn't have one more legal wall in the city...props on those rollers...
  12. is he measuring that walker???? ...i hate that punk rasta buff dude....Always asking people what they write.....
  13. hey monster mash... leave eager and ansers names out of your mouth when you speak and stick to being a little graffiti photo jocker p.s(infact dont speak at all..... just post pictures p.s.s.(none of us need a list of your favorite graffiti writers in s.f.)
  14. this is like the battle to see who can get the most pictures up everyday....dahm....this whole city has been photographed in the last couple weeks...I dont ever need to go out and see whats going on anymore.....ah.....just sit back.....coastin...
  15. Didnt you get the boot from WAI cause you were postin to much on the internet,,you just posted a bunch of crappy graff you did that isn't even from S.F...keep it s.f.... and dont post when you got some straight buster style....let me be the first one to say go back to the drawin board...tired ...
  16. thats fuckin super burnt. Quoted post [/b] ...she gets up and over... bottom line....always like some dude to say some stupid shit about how slutty or i fucked her in the ass..yad..yada..when a girl gets up....hatin on a girl...spreadin rumors like girl...Nexst.adios.and meek nice......
  17. do you just go on every board and gossip about everyone????you dont know shit about pez...you dont know shit about the graff game....respect to anyone who doesn't fall off after a couple of years...
  18. hummm... every time unbiasedone posts...there a tase and siar up in the mix or someone from pt....lots of yard action... streets??streets???anyone....euroone???waters??
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