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Posts posted by heatwave

  1. "i wonder wat kind of caps amen use 2 go street bombin?any 1 noes?"


    She definitely uses the GHK1b2645Z12 you know the one with the banana shaped dildo tip and the mad thin fat rusto krylon double beeper retrofit for maximum OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH.


    this shit tooooooooo oo ooooooo o o o o oooooooo much fun! :eek: :scrambled: :lol:

  2. P1010246.jpg


    this guy should quit graffiti, hes not a bomber and his piecing skills are lacking , and he went over lyes. I dont even wanna see what happened to that colt 45



    You must be kidding! Lyes want over mesk, for which I will never recpect his simple trash. Ph over Lyes any day. thank you.







    Did i miss something here? Is someone agreeing with I got that Rock Head? Paper tigers get no respect dude. Read a book and chill with your enlightened-ness. You have hands right, why don’t you dis him? Hummmmm? Just a question, why doesn’t rocks for brains dis him?


    There is only one dude to hate in DC graff… they call him the back stabber…




  4. DSC00097.jpg

    KSB this guy used to have U St. on lock in the early 90s, never bombed outside of shaw really.

    all fat cap tags.



    Kids Smoking Blunts


    He had U Street, Shaw and a rack o buses, back when the bus system was the shit!


    Oh yeah bump Mouse EBO cuz he was dope and cool, unlike most people today.







    Insert, make me look like I’m not a couch potato, corny, thug fantasy, crrrrrrap byline here...

  5. bump ...tale, tyme, kos , ero, apes, KEO my brother , dk / tfm ... and SLAE ... who proves he can pretty much burn anyone in DC ... big ups SLAE


    Oh shit dude look at this little guy laughing at your stupidity!! ha ha :lol: oh shit look out for king slae... :lol: king.. :lol: burn... :lol: slae... :lol:

  6. scott.jpg

    someone told me they buffed this, thats very sad ( 1988 I believe )


    Yep buffed! Can you believe that shit! That piece was there just chillin for 18 years! now its gone. Thanks for the flick homey.


    All good things come to and end...


    hopefully they get replaced with something else...


    hint hint.

  7. drj1.jpg


    Its getting hot in here... Its getting hot in here... I want to take my clothes off …


    I’m kidding, but is that really necessary? I mean, that hack bamma blows it up on the regular but… no need to imitate. What do they say, don’t shit where you pick flowers, or uhmm, don’t take dirt naps in the sun… one in the hand is better than two on the wall by the ? that you should know better about… you know what I’m trying to say right?


    I don't have to get all thug and be like YO Im a be hella stupid mad at a fool who be hittin dat wall yo!



  8. soaker don't even sweat these punk ass kids, notice how they never hangout? has anyone ever seen them out in public? in a bar, at a club, at the fucking movies? they know better then to leave the deep suburbs... they know how to survive, they know to hide.


    It must be a generational thing? We are Gen X they are Gen B.I.T.C.H. they have the mad ADD style..



    soak you got any old kaos from dc, that adams morgan wall?

  9. anouther post without a photo I know its killing me too but I got no camera and the compooper is fucked...


    the Post today said DC was the second most dangerous city behind Detroit and just one ahead of B-more for cities with 500K or more people... so I guess we are still fucked, but fucked with starbucks!?! oh well.

  10. seeing cave post tale is like seeing jews and arabs holding hands in the park, good to finally see but I never thought it would happen...


    Oh by the way the price of making & selling paint is going up up up so expect the quality to down down down...


    It just gets worse, I predict Krylon will only sell H20 by next fall!

  11. I don’t know how many people saw this before I changed the URL but here it is again http://www.flickr.com/photos/heatwave2/


    PS: Mad Maz One -> B.L.O.W.M.E! <-


    “Hey Young World”! Young kids with big mouths get zero respect! When will you learn! And what’s this? before you were like: Who is this? What is this? Did you see XYZ? isn’t that over on XYZ Street? Show me a photos of so and so! And now you are a MAN with an EGO! And tough talk? Puleeeez.


    You would shake my hand, talking about shook!

  12. Munch munch, ummm, Oh! Excuse me, hello there its Heatwave here. Wont you all join me in putting down the popcorn and moving to the dinner table. The daytime graff soap is over and its time for dinner. I think we are serving beef. Anyone up for seconds? ATB, 2DK, I see you, you can put you hands down now, thank you, you have been counted. Ok hold hands as we say amen and please try and resist the urge to borf while at the table, we are supposed to be writers after all. Maybe after dinner we could sit down by the river and enjoy a fire while listening to the birds and beleve me it will be cose call if we want to catch a glimpse of the cave man, who shunned society do to debt no doubt. Some say he is sek, from chasing all that tale in his youth, but I don’t know its possible he was just lusting after some fresh tunes and got addicted to the dolz. Long as he can avoid jale he wont be a goner and the cycle will completed…

    :loopy2: :spin2: :loopy2:

  13. Eon's the winner of the day with a huge series of ups! that shit looks dope! Cast you’ll be happy to know that your boys are putting you up you all these years later. and you still have one of those symmetrical CA throw’s running in the RI train yard! That must have been some night. you got all the way up in to the station if I remember correctly.




    Yes, I have no photos...

  14. Tune Dead?!? what? I'm not believing that, sounds like circumstantial evidence is getting out of hand. Time to make some phone calls.


    Anyone know for sure? Like, with a news link?



    Word to the Byrd, Fyre, Belev, Eon, At-The-Bottom, Cocaine, Ryver, Cast, Myner, Rancore, Rezist, Halo, June, Jale, Borf, Amen, Debt, Cluk, Nutz, Info, Cave, Dahm?, Serk, The Big Gurlz, And Linda Cropp, Go head with your bad politicking self,


    And they said DC is dead. Wellllll some of them are retired but sheeeeet! we aint going no where!


    Oh, yeah no photos sorry..

  15. I’m gona go against my better judgment on this one and join the fray for a moment, when I say that no matter where they go, they still suck! DAM!!! All that paint and zero improvement, that is a little tedious after a while. You know what I'm saying. All busted throw ups and no style is fucking boring homey!


    Leave that paint for those who know how to use it. We can all see that you get to the same places the rest of us do, but can't leave anything behind besides a hand me down throw that gets progressively less and less filled in as the years go on. I mean you used to at least fill your shit in, now your shit just looks like shit from the get go.


    Maybe you should move to NYC where people love that trash and there you can be amongst your intellectual piers. That is until one of them stabs you in the neck after painting with you. Ah, yes its a bright future you have in store.


    Lest you think I don’t like you let me say ‘congratulations’, you are the best, worst graffiti writers ever!


    Here are some ideas for your crew name hope you like em.


    ATB = A Toys Bling, A Tightttttttttt But, Absent Talent Bombing, A Toys Born, All Teenagers Bona fide, Amazing Talent Boundary, Pressed To Death (admittedly that one takes a little alphabetical imagination), All Thuged out Bitches, A Thong Below, Any Things Better, and lets not for get All Time Bammas… Oh, wait I forgot it's 'Addicted to Bombing'. Sooooo thguggggish-rugish, and by far the best!?! What the fuck is that?


    Are you guys collectively 5 years old or what? It's not even funny,when people suck they usually make up for it by being ironic or witty or something, but you actually take your shit seriously. Laughable, if it wasn’t sooooo dam ugly.


    Remember after graffiti life goes on, you sour puss.


    I look forward to burning you at a wall soon. :heartbeat:


    Love Heatwave.

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