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Mr. Knives

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Posts posted by Mr. Knives

  1. I wanna say the chainsaw dude is Malt, but don't shoot me for a liar. The other one, with all the bright colors, is KORG. He has a few big bright clean ones like that down there... I got most of them, I also got the hermit with those other guys and one that was done with that chainsaw one, but there may be more tonight so ill hold off.

  2. You all are fucking idiots for even putting this shit on there. Why the fuck would you ark if someone got arrested online so every cop could see it. You guys are helping to build cases against people you might not even know. You might as well be snitching. Hey Ansiq pull this shit off here.





    eh, I made a comment about eggs as food, I dont know the guy, I dont care. Direct your benign internet barbs appropriately.

  3. /\ /\ /\


    Whether liked or hated, you're known B...

    morning green, liquid and leaf,

    2012, my journey for years,

    know bout that and erase your fears.

    off to the studio, sw side,

    hop on my bike and I ride...


    sorry I missed your call last night, G

  4. heres what we need to do in this city... Turn it loose, invite all the artists in the world here, and give them every delapitated building, or unused train line, or bridge, etc., and turn this whole crappy city into a giant canvas. Let the cars die, let the blight get covered in paint, and then bring in the tourists by the millions, to get a piece of a city in ruin turned gigantic art mecca. Its genious, and this place would be a destination in no time.

  5. Haha, I shuttled some of my girlfriends minnesotan friends out to that ICP wrestling thing in plymouth over the weekend, wouldnt catch me there, but chillin at the marriot for free was cool. Loaf, you got the city locked down lately, cant look anywhere without a fresh one. Riku, saw you at HJ's yesterday, but i wasnt able to say whattup then so, heres a whattup....

  6. Originally posted by klaudius raines@Mar 16 2006, 10:19 PM



    fuck that shit, it was filmed in canada


    Most movies set in the d are filmed in toronto or otherwise, with a few exceptions being those films with crews more dangerous than what thy may expect to bump into on our streets. In four brothers, the only scenes they had of detroit were while the camera was riding in a car, because if they had stopped, their gear would be gone, detroit doesnt provide security for film crews. A real detroitor, whether you want to call it hard core or not, is like myself, lived here a good number of years, down here in the stench, amidst countless maniacs and psychopaths, being sparechanged on every block, packing heat, etc. But i woiuld skip the real part, because detroiters dont come fake, wannabes, marks, and rich bitches arent detroiters. A real detroiter, sect might agree, leaves for six years, him the gay bay, me the other gay bay tampa, also six years, and actually comes back!

  7. Originally posted by FuckCommies&Hippies@Mar 2 2006, 04:17 PM

    its hella funny when white people use the phrase "you know what im saying?" after every sentence trying to be black....if you do this some advice stop it



    You know what else is funny? When a bigot trying to make his daddy proud by slurring fucks up and uses a retarded phrase like "hella funny".

  8. I mean no offense by this yo, but i do think that they have a lot of talent, and as a musician, i look for that specifically in all types of music, which isnt to say that I am a big fan of melodic fantasy metal, but the shit is fucking remarkable.

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