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bloody knuckles

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Everything posted by bloody knuckles

  1. :) :) Whatchout now! Denver be mad gangsta yo! haha Denver. what a joke:)
  2. usually avoid comes clean but shit man next to natrl he looks toy props for tryin though amybe hell teach you the ways Stupid ass thing to say. I'll take that legible clean shit over that squiggly ass cheater/ doing your outline before your fill / no letter structure shit any day. Especiallly on a freight where the idea is to be able to read it as it passes by, are you kidding?.
  3. Re: Don't Call it Frisco Come where? will you call the cops like you did to ... Member of what? Youre confused? I just call it like I see it snitch. you snitch
  4. And Youre the biggest snitch in richmond... my bad el cerrito.:)
  5. Stolen off who's flickr? Yours right? Nobody else would flick your shit. This kid is such a clown. And a snitch i've heard.
  6. URL] Get that wack ass saze/baer bite the fuck outta here you lame toy!
  7. Nothing youve ever produced in your short lived graffiti career is original. EVERYTHING you paint belongs to somebody else. Your hands, fills, "pieces" all are bitten. Even on his worst day, silencer is vastly superior to you on your best. Better style, better spots, better color selection, better can control, better reputation. Think on it
  8. Shit aint even a full year old you fucking CLOWN. and shit hasn't improved much it seems. Fuck is this garbola?:)
  9. What? Do you even know how to read? Where are you getting this from? Arrested? Going to your house? I didn't say shit about anybody's house. But you just did! :) :) :D Youre lame, dude. You just put YOURSELF on front street. Helarious. Thats all I have to say on this. Keep on snitching bro!!
  10. WhatMy friends? Yeah, Me and my "friends" conspiring against you. Suuure. I haven't said shit about your name, occupation, location, You faggot. Are fucking hallucinating? Quit joking. Check the posts faggot. I got the memo! Probably like the rest of your detractors got the memo: You call the COPS. You put peoples real names and pictures from peoples myspace on this site, from the very get go you did that shit. You call cops, You are a snitch. Its common knowledge at this point Dawggie. Don't talk to me snitch. :(
  11. Hating on someone, and pointing out that someone is a snitch are entirely different things. Yeah, the kid paints a lot... Great. A lot of mediocre graffiti does nothing to offset being a fucking rat cocksucker. I guess I and others were under the illusion that snitches have no place within the "graffiti community." But hey...
  12. Re: Don't Call it Frisco Udon runs shit
  13. haha. I don't know this dude moelester, but the barrios in santa rosa are far tougher than any pussy hood in fucking el cerrito.:) :)
  14. No, it's not just you. Youre correct. Plus, the official word in the bay is that he's a snitch. But dont just take my word for it , ask anybody.
  15. Re: Don't Call it Frisco Dont be sending me messages you rat motherfucker. I don't converse with known snitches.
  16. Ha. How can this guy actually write stuff like this with a straight face? Youre kidding right? You are the epitome of a snitch. An actual Snitch. A cop calling, real name dropping, official snitch. We got the memo dude. Youve been exposed on here multiple times. Do you think we have that short a memory? We got the 411 on you. :) :)
  17. Dude, we all know about you and your snitch ways. The secret is out, Fake! Why do you even bother putting your worthless opinions on here anyhow? Props for Udon. No props for internet thugs like you. Please get Banned again faggot.
  18. Insecure at all? Just cause some internet nerds dissed your boy's straight letter, it doesn't warrant you insulting an entire city.
  19. Dont' get it it twisted though. That hurt ass Hide n Run shit aint loved or cared for by anyone in the East Bay neither.
  20. Oh, and this old Jolts shit is what's up! Fuck yeah.
  21. Hahahahahahaha. Or maybe he's just banned? Are you kidding me? That fool, and your whole crew for that matter, are a creation of this website. You owe any recognition that you have, soley to 12 oz prophet. That drama queen faggot lives for this "internet bullshit" He should have the 12oz logo tatted on his tweetybird chest or some shit.
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