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Everything posted by headcrack

  1. "how you gonna eat cornflakes without a whole lota milka"
  2. yo say word son rime is the true def of hip hop!!!!!!!!
  3. Quoted post yo. this shit looks like revok smoked some wet with denzel washington, got his ass bead down, then bought some paint markers. Quoted post for some reason it's a popular thing in new jersey to imitate writers from california. everybody gets their jive from somewhere i suppose. Quoted post for some reason, jersey has an ill style and everyone hates. Quoted post i dont think jersey has a style whatsoever. even the earliest graff was in north jersey and just leaking from nyc. then the writers that exploded out of the state all had very different styles that couldnt get pinned down to one location.if anything, that shit emo does is kinda what i think about when i think of a jersey style... emo was trying to duplicate aezer... who was basically doing what emit was doing in the 90's. not saying they did it as good as emit but its that same letter structure with big weird bar extensions. now you can see SMT and other guys in MHS doing the same thing and they probably have no idea where it even came from. fuck jersey graff. hahhaa. sorry jailbait. Quoted post [/b] "not saying they did it as good as emit but its that same letter structure with big weird bar extensions. now you can see SMT and other guys in MHS doing the same thing and they probably have no idea where it even came from" this is so horriblly true big bars outta control. i seen it first hand the other day on an unfinished oc sketch. big dumb bars just hangin around lookin bad. yo toy jersey heads STEP YO GAME UP MANG!!!!! you are just bringin out a whole new wave of horribble writers.
  4. wow cro sucks but this one looks like emo did it for him i dont really care either way
  5. bump fh and those aids guys are doin there thing too
  6. i have never seen a pic of this spot that actually represents how ill this peice is in person, good stolen flic though its better than the one i got.
  7. who is this may? is it a girl? and is she a slut in the city?
  8. found it on the forum thought everyone would love it
  9. i think it is mer or empty or some shit ive only seen him in the plainfeild area
  10. mostly stolen umm yah that guy in the last flick
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