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Everything posted by EUROne

  1. It's Twickling over here :king: I LIKE THAT!!! CHEERS.
  2. ^^somebody know the tagger grit, he has to quit doing GT. :hatred: It's taken.
  3. ^^^^ALL DOPE!!! SPECIAL BUMP 4 DEFCONFIVE. Thanks..send more...
  4. NO SHIT!!! spesh is paralyzed?? Thats crazy! Quoted post [/b] If it's true even if I don't know the guy that sucksss big time..
  5. IT'S OVER,. The beef was actually between MAC and GT in 2002 and we WON... :beat: :D :beat2:
  6. Soooooooo..What u trying to say is that we all should Bow Down to him n suck his fuken dick, cause hes cope (with capital letters??).... If you want respect, u need to respect..Yeah blah blah I aint done half the shit he done blah blah what niggas bout to say, but shit I aint got my head up my ass....I'm pretty sure there were other shit that he could've painted over....I respect the guy, but I hate when people diss nice shit with just Throwups..Thats just me.. ;) Quoted post [/b] I THINK EVERYBODY AGREE WITH YOU, but people are scared :shook: :shook: :shook: It reminds me of CAP in style wars, It's getting old. :hatred: Show respect to be respected. That's all.
  7. I'LL SECOND THAT,FOR SURE NO RESPECT... :hatred: These pieces were fresh and new.
  8. BUMP 4 STEEL & NORM by the way!!! :king:
  9. No beef, COPE and them just needed a wall to bomb on and thats what they chose. Quoted post [/b] OK Thats werd... CAP style (throwz over pieces) is it suppose to be an honor?? :huh2:
  10. WHAT DA FUCK HAPPEND ? :heated:
  11. We said no more GAY pictures... (just kiddin") :haha:
  12. EUROne


    Thanks man, i'll let others do better.. PEACE.
  13. :burn: Just feel like posting this....
  14. TRANSLATION: the best graf scene in FRANCE, and the best style? hummm It's a no brainer : PARIS GRIMTEAM :king: Street action. http://www.grimteam.us Toulouse is really up too, since paris has been buffed really bad. :bawling:
  15. THAT PAGE LOOK MUCH BETTER, thanks 2ikuno :rolleyes:
  16. EUROne


    I'll second that. Same idea in blue.
  17. ;) RAZOR IS THE SHIT. :bday:
  18. ^^^ :haha: :haha: :haha: I give up..THIS IS REALLY TOO GAY FOR ME. :headache:
  19. EUROne


    :yuck:this one sucks.
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