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Everything posted by zombie303

  1. i miss you japan!!! stay up dawwggss!!
  2. hey i want to go back to australia<< i was in peth for awhile in 2003. i like australia alot & i want to stay there. what should i do to live, work & paint in perth??
  3. http://www.youtube.com/w/?v=T_v80bpPWHU LiQour BoXXX
  4. sick work san fran i love that city http://www.rtd-crew.com/RTD-VIDEO-Bugaboo-003.html
  5. perth, australia is soooo fukin' dope!!! gotta get back downunder someday!!! RTD RTD RTD RTD ZOMBIE check out the SUICIDE BOMBERS VIDEO http://www.rtd-crew.com/ZEZ-RTD-VIDEO-Suic...ombers-001.html
  6. huh!! :haha: :haha: :haha: i could care less... it juss seems like the majority of graff out here is tags, tags, tags a few bombs & fuck load of more tags. the pieces that are rockin' out here are fuckin' dope, but the people who own walls should give them up to graffers. asian, russian, american who cares?? just paint!! just do it!! shibuya is bombed!!! what about the rest of japan?? it's nice & perfect & there isn't much graff outside of tokyo, osaka or okinawa.
  7. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< yeah whatever?!! this is country is dope but needs some more graffiti enlightenment, not like it ain't got fresh writers already!! wanto, very, acre & Msk crew many more krush this country & asia pretty fuckin' hard!! but japan is around the size of california, yet the whole country has 1/10th the amount of writers!!! come on!! come out here & blow these spots up!!! Krush this shit!! Japan is awesome but needs more graffiti pieces (murals) & i really ain't takin' bout tokyo or osaka!! it's these other cities that need some graffiti love!! kyoto, fukouka, nagasaki, okinawa.. you know what i'm talkin' bout!!! tokyo area has 14.5 million people!! yet nobody hardly writes at all!!!! if you paint out here your bound to blow the fuck up!!! juss my opinion!!
  8. here are my latest photos from tokyo.
  9. http://www.rtd-crew.com http://www.rtd-crew.com http://www.rtd-crew.com http://www.rtd-crew.com http://www.rtd-crew.com http://www.rtd-crew.com http://www.rtd-crew.com http://www.rtd-crew.com
  10. why??>>>..... people ask questions about what's goin' on out here... i explain it briefly & it all gets erased>/??? i don't get it.. it's not like any of us are fighting on here. oh well it ain't my board.. whatever.
  11. well that's it hope you like all the old skool flixzz, just about had a fuckin' heart attack seein' all that old skool dope cbs shit today, it's been a few years.. anyways, peace zombie rtd
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