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Posts posted by Italiaus

  1. yo kizzops ment not disrespect to you it was a general statmen.

    As for tring to bring spase in this i dont know peon. I have bein to see that kid a few times and yes he is my boy! and ill tell you a few things, he has always bein respectfull to all he does his owne thing and is not one to run his mouth. 2 i gues you dont know shit about the kid because he is not one to be fucked with, and is definetly one who dosnt going looking for shit. and the kid has bein doing burners for years out there, some people get down world wide i mean that kid has more citys on lock than you can imagine and thats in different countrys homie

    so shut your mouth and leave that kid off this internet shit cus you got know idee what that kid is doing.


  2. kizops this is were you trully have to be around to know. You cant just learn all your history about dc on the internet. and some shit roger typed in a book

    SPC is a crazy toy that has bein boming dc and bmore for at lerast 10 years but he gets sent to the loony bein from time to time so we dont see him up for long pierods of time.

    like how long you have bein writting

    but back in the day spc did his thing and even not so long ago did come back to couse some damage again

  3. SHUT THE FUCK UP.............................................

    kAOS DOESITMATTER saved you life years ago when all them were ready to kill you and doesitmatter did not give you up. NOW TO BOTH KAOS AND ARIN stop runing your mouth on the net like you know you are and set it up to fight DOES IT MATTER he said thats all he want and he has said he will travel to fight you he is a man that has always showed up to handle his shit so there is no reason to think he wont this time. You have commen friends this can happen

    stop ruining your mouth on this shit and just take care of it like the net never existed

  4. i feel that, when did toys start getting a voice?

    must of bein when people sotped kicking there asses out of them.

    i mean its fine to come up and be a toy just relize that the bit of fame that you feel for the first or second time right now does not give you a right to run your mouth some us have bein there and back for over ten yearsmand have seen a 100 of yall come and go.


    toys are part of the game but yall are rediculious

    fucking spok on this bitch talking like a mature old held

    god dame dc were have you gone?

  5. never thought i would se a writer jock coma or nore, let alone one writer jock the two of them

    INCA you got a I that is normal nores n and comas ca god dam this the worst good work on geting up but please that shit is IRS crue

  6. ps

    soaker, kid called you out, he said lets take care of this next time in towen why you got to run your mouth. I got respect for you and think the things you say here are often very good. But right now your talking like a bitch. You know the kid will talk to you in person, fight you or what ever but why you talking shit like a punk on the internet. come on man how old are you

    i know you are way to old to be doing some shit like this

    no respect


  7. back in the day dbs had i big joint there to

    does anyone have some dbs flicks like that other rock creak spot that cast posted of him and cert

    or old white herst flicks

  8. all you toy as mutherfuckers need to stay off this page and stop talking about any beef thats going on now. The internet should be used for flicks or at least "bullshiting about old days" if shit is going dowen now flciks ok. but all the talking, shit should be shown on the walls that way the fliks can the show. The people who may not be in towen or the cats who want to see flicks can then see it and we can all stay intertand with out creating droma. I mean lets be honest i imagine most of all of us hear think this is really wrong, this whole internet thig but at the same time we all like looking at it at the end of the day ,and it does give us some statisfation. But we also know we must draw a line and all you young bucks must lear to earn some respect. Rember kids really cats have goten shout and killed over this game, think about it well before you go saying your hard. Just becase you know all the words to the new G unit record.out the game can be real there truly are some kids out there who do this for love and not fame, and because its just what they know how to do to make them happy and move on in life and these peope, these are the ones that will be around and will not stand for this bullshit.

  9. first off no diss to hoa king sek or any other of the hoa kings but i just want to know how it is that crews in dc have gottenn so soft that beleve can be pushing hoa boming with pear and borf and at the same time going out with coma and nore who from what i have seen take out a good amount of hoa. back in the day if you knew somone who knew someone who was dissing you than you were finding him and fighting. none of this bullshit. Step up and rep your crew or dont push it at all

    thats all i am saying

    and bump that cast shit

    love some old dc

    when shit was real and nigas got stomped

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