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Everything posted by waters

  1. This is your faithful president, just check the name suckas. I am personally upset by the "USA911" battle. There is only one way to settle this shit you little graffitti punks.....WAR. Mr. Starzabove please count me and my recon graffitti team in on the "USA911" battle! Just like all my other unsolvable problems I'm gonna bomb the fuck out of this anti-patriotic art war!! :evil::heated::$::evil::heated::$:
  2. Thank You dog for keepin up with it.. :king: Quoted post [/b] yup, thanks starz for doing the not so fun end of the battle thread!
  3. age don't mean shit. gender don't mean shit. i think it's how seriously you take your art work. i'm only 4.
  4. onheres for RECALL. yeah let me see a unnatural royal down a kink. ha
  5. damn....i already finished my "new" piece. yo starz....this is NOT a battle submission. my ego won't let me stop!!!!!!!
  6. waters is in for the "new" battle. looking like a pencil sketch, and no posted due date yet?!?
  7. 12 oz prophet battle-starzabove i cannot see cutes shit either.
  8. at least you finished it. cooool. lets keep em up for proper voting. i never considered a win on that yet.
  9. entry for glass by waters. nice hand msa
  10. NEW BATTLE...... word: GLASS (the double esses should be fun) full color pieces... duedate will be friday march 25th good luck ;)
  11. nice one abel i was just doing the same thing...ha
  12. that is a really good idea, that list is way to long. i'm also down for cutting the handstyle battles short. for some reason they just backfired. i think it's because of all the entries, up to like 30 people could vote and still no winner would emerge. maybe capping the battles to 5 people only?? just some thoughts to keep shit moving.
  13. h of bl for "tole" onheres for "myst" starzabove for "bullet"
  14. waters!!!!!! this is hella sloppy cuz i do not practice anymore
  15. SLAK.........beelkaemoney STRIVE.....beelkaemoney RAYS........h of bl
  16. NEW BATTLE word is Bullet style is a 2 color throwy due date is saturday 12th this battle is open for anyone ready.....set.....go! :scream:
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