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your busted

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Posts posted by your busted

  1. pores


    Originally posted by Pores

    you guys are worse than cops. you need to keep your traps shut. you caught me off gaurd, you got me. wow! you didnt gain anything from it. youre not better writers at all! all youre doing is telling the cops shit to put me in jail now. if you guys want a good story why dont you ask mr water(the brother of one of the guys who beat me up) what happened when i spit in his face in front of his girlfriend and threw him out of his own house. or when my boy oscar clowned him to his face and all he could do is studder. or when i about drug him to the street and beat the shit outta him...if you are honestly saying that its such a horrible thing to lose a fight then you all dont know what the fucc a fight is!

    i dont know you but obviously did something to have your beef follow you to the mid west. as for what you said about water i should have been there when you got served an ass whoopin cause i woulda stabbed you in the face .... you and life are bitches i wish someone would have broke your hands ...........maybe next time fuckers (oh yeah life next time help your boy ) who cares if you guys are weak vegan fags !!!!!!

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