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Everything posted by voxa

  1. sorry stars, ima hav to drop out. my bad man. sorry for wasting your time guys. its my b-day day after tommorow, and i dont have much time. peace, and sorry.
  2. oh, edoog, i wassntm getiing at you man, sorry. its all good pecae.
  3. those are so fucking st8 letters.....but what eva. its all good.
  4. and this.... definetly not my best. heh heh. :haha:
  5. sorry its so late..... as i can see, you judges arnt really diggin stuff like this (and no hate, btw) but im not about to fake no shit. im stayin true to MY style. and im not really in this to win, im just having fun. peace to you all. keep it up.
  6. FFAAAACKKK!!!!! is it too late to get in on the turny?......please.......please..... can i catch up? i was moving but im moved now.....ill folow through...... holla back.
  7. very experimental.... so its def. not my best, but meh. i dont have much time at all lately with moving and all....
  8. thats some gansta ass shit! ill post my soep later tonitght if i can.
  9. im in for soep. do white highlights count as a color?
  10. wow, thats a hard one to judge (mech) but ima hafta go with hans. their really close, but i think hans letter style is just more unique, and i freekin love a good euro style. its just more precise, and a very unique style. VOTE: HANS but props to both of you.
  11. kill or die for shook. thats a hot piece man.
  12. yo starz, bit of a problem here. were moving, and we suddenly sold our house, so we have to find a new one in like 2 weeks. im gonna be hella hella busy, so i dont know if im going to be able to be in the torny. actuelly, if its july, i mihgt, but i cant promise anything. keep me on the list, but just know i might have to pull out. peace.
  13. yo yo yo yo yo i want in on this torny. but, whats the word? do you just write what you write?
  14. ah fuck man, thats dope. phresh. props. hay, uh, can i get in on that battle? the capital one? oh, and thanks for the votes in the alpha battle you guys. :yuck:
  15. nice dude. whas irt colored with tho?
  16. hay starz, tanks for keeping me in the alpha battle. i didnt even see there was five already. :gaga:
  17. yeah, but i dont see whhy you cant join.
  18. sounds good :freak2: thanks, btw.
  19. cool how about due by monday the 30th? Quoted post [/b] dope. ive got mine done already cuz i did it yesterday hoping youd like the idea...
  20. how bout the word "angry" as a theme. just do a charo with that in mind? and none of my characters are very "hip hop", so thats not really a prob.
  21. thanks for the votes and coments guys... :clown2: any way, who wants to do a one on one character battle? heres the deal, one on one with whoever says they want to first. no color. one character. peace to all....
  22. ok, never mind. i did one any way. last night my nose blead for 30 min, and i made some stickers with drips of blood.
  23. hay guys, i dont think i can get in on the alpha battle, and the character. im hella sick, and i have a load of school work to do. ill try to do somthing, but i just feel like shit right now. sorry. :rolleyes:
  24. oh, my bad. i tought the alpha battle was hands. ill do an outline now. sky vote.... bamer. im feeling e doggs too, but bamers got it.
  25. here we go... AND, i feel like doing a character battle, one on one. who here wnats to? somone shout back, and we'll start it.
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