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Posts posted by urbanscrawl

  1. By the way, MSK did not invent the blockbuster. The blockbuster was invented by New York City subway writers over 30 years ago. It seems real petty and foolish to accuse AKER of being a biter because he paints big rollers in SF. NORM and REYES don't have the exclusive patent on Blockbusters and seems kind of sad that such amazing writers would feel threatened by another writer catching wreck. After reading the garbage that you internet toys write about AKER, it sounds like San Francisco is full of fake wannabe graffiti rock star who rest on their laurels and can't seem to do much more than hate on AKER because he's too busy putting in work on the streets to be invovled in some juvenile graffiti writer social scene.

    By the way to all you ignorant newjacks who diss AKER for being from DC, the San Francisco Graffiti scene blew up beacuse of writers like FELON, SOPE, EVADE, JASE, CYCLE and CHA, who all happen to be "out-of-towners" from Washington DC. I am not even from SF and I know that. So stop embarassing yourselves and wasting your time gossiping. If you hate AKER so much, you should get off your keyboards and burn him instead of hacking his shit like a pack of jealous toys with wounded egos.


  2. AKER is clearly putting in the most work in SF. Otherwise you fools wouldn't spending so much time and energy hating on him. If the rest of the writers in SF had much heart and put in as much work as he does, they wouldn't be so concerned about petty shit talking and dissing his shit. Instead they'd be out bombing. It seems like these fools, most of whom are from Seattle or some other place besides SF are just jealous player-haters who are pissed off because AKER is making them look like the lazy sleeping bastards that they are. AKER is all nation while the rest of you can't seem to take yourself away from the bar or the coke long enough to paint a fill-in. HATERS CAN HATE BUT YOU CAN'T DENY PLAYBOY IS GETTING HIS SWERVE ON.

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