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Posts posted by MILE.peasant

  1. Originally posted by DrSeusLives

    How about we right MADE? If not, I'm done for Wise. Let's throw in some characters, let's make shit interesting. But once again, no color. I got shit, just 12 prismas.





    aight....im down for wise.....i'll have it sometime tomorrow probably....i'm gonna do a piece with character.....match that.



  2. also.......me and my boy king M.I.L.E. were just thinking......


    it'd be dope if we had a 2vs2 battle.......so, me and him challenge 2 of ya'll in a double piece production battle......2pages(like the whole length of open book) with characters background etc.......


    but instead of picking words, let's pick a theme for the production....maybe something else also.......get at us in here if you're interested.



  3. Originally posted by DrSeusLives

    MILE.peasant, aren't you "battling" ABORT? If you're not, I'm up to it. Even though I'm sort of aganst this internet battle hype but... whatever. Get at me on AIM.


    AIM = bboyxlonglegs





    im not MILE king......we're in the same crew(MILE).....

    but battle me anyways cuz my boy got me wanting to do this battlin shit....



    i'll hit you on aim....

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