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Posts posted by GrumpyOldMan

  1. I'm asking any one who knows JA to ask him this simple question ..

    Where did he get the name xtc from and did he not notice that philly already had an xtc crew when he rolled through in 86...


    I got no beef only questions ...


    to the 12 year old clowns that want to talk smack ...this world is so small to come at someone you don't know for some one you don't know....




    Let's set the record straight -


    I've been painting now for 20+ years and I met JA in early '87, a few months after he started writing. We wound up wrecking the city for more than a few years. We even visited Philly in the late 80's and met up with Espo and Meez before it was a hip thing to visit other cities. Sure I learned some Philly history and even heard of you Credit, but this is the first time I ever heard of there being a Philly crew of XTC. I remember when JA and Omni made up the crew more having to do with the new drug at the time ecstasy. Either way, in this harsh game of graf everyone knows that once you stop writing your name, it's fair game for another to use. You use it or lose it. I'm sure few people will associate the name JA with Spin from the 4 line, which he used to write occasionally in the early 80's. Once my arthritis kicks in and I can't hold a can any more I'm sure some one else will try claiming my name.


    Finally, although I no longer talk to JA, he is without a doubt the most up writer I will ever see.

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