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Posts posted by Surfeit

  1. Originally posted by TODD SHAW

    i like to check this thread out now and then,and shits looking good on here and all, but i just don't understand why a writer would want to put a lot(if not all) of their new shit on the net the day after they did the shit. whatever happend to letting heads stumble upon shit and be like woah! thats fresh, or thATS GARBAGE, OR WHATEVER. its like some of you kids just paint to post. ya know what im sayin? thats hella gay! stop trying to speak for the streets and let the streets speak for themselves. they won't lie! i won't even lie to you though, i like to see someone take time to post my shit on the net or throw it i n there zine or whatever, but i wouldnt do it myself, and when someone does i know i probably earned that shit the old fashioned way. im such a jaded hater huh? fuck it though. im just bitter case i havent done shit in months.




    this site is for looking at pictures. if you want to see some old shit look in a flick book or an old mag. you can still stumble around and see whatever you want, nobodys forcing you to look at shit. some of those shots are weeks old anyways. plenty of shit i post is YEARS old. Besides if you know how real the streets keep it ....why are you sweating it?????:lol:

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