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Posts posted by Arson.85.ATG

  1. i know theres no excuses for this kind of shit but....well last week i got into a mpretty big fight with my pops, so he smashed my computer, my ps2 , ans my fucking hermit crabs...so i threw my tv at his car...domestic violence...its a real bitch...especially payback.....anyway...i did my fucking piece for it but it got mangled in the comp....i guess i'm out of the battle...props to zire... ilkie the style...i guess i'll see u in the next battles to come.....i'll try to post the pieces at a latertime.....i feel like popasquat coming with excuses.....oh fucking well.....be safe....peace:dazed:

  2. i have an idea.....why don't we do battles by a schedule...i mean lets say zire n me have to be done in 2 days...lets say he wins...he battles next person and then they're battles in 2 days..and so on...like take a number and die type shit...except if u win...u battle the next one...cause this little i'll battle u but oh wait he emaild me too thing isn't werking out too godd...especially since everyones setting up on they're own rules type shit...its not very oraganized if u ask me....who's down?...ok so maybe i was sleeping on that zire eriz shit...lol...my bad...ne way....fuck it ...i'm pretty sure everyone here can whip up a piece in 2 days...thats more than enough time if u ask me...its a fucking scheduled battle not i'll do it when i decide....i'm rabbling on........ne way....who agrees?.....zire...ur up next baby....fuck wednesday...lets do this by monday.......battle werd stile.....:king:

  3. I recently found myself in trouble with the law, and

    asone of many punishments I have been ban from the

    computer. I will not be responding to any emails or

    inquiries online indefinitely. If you wish, you can

    send me an email, but I will not be responding until

    the ban is lifted. For those of you who know me

    personally you can call my house for those of you who

    don't, too bad.

    - max


    thats some fucking bullshit....maybe its true maybe its a lie to get out of all his battles.....but i finfished my fucking piece.....what a waste...i'll post it tommorow incase dickface poppa shit head shows up.....peace..i guess that makes me available for a battle.....who's next.....email me rsnupt82@yahoo.com



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