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Posts posted by unknown

  1. can someone please explain the basics of riding a fixed gear to me? mounting, dismounting, hills, slowing down, etc? i want a little more background on this whole deal before i commit to it. it does sound fun though....

  2. Originally posted by Jewish Task Force

    Ps. If you are a little guy there is a 50 pogliaghi track bike on ebay right now thats pretty nice for 450$

    how little is little exactly? i'm about 5'5". what size would i need?

  3. ok, i have a question for all of you that ride a fixed gear. on average, how much does a very basic entry level fixed gear bike cost? i really want to get a bike, but i don't have too much cash.

  4. i have a question about bike sizing. i'm about 5ft 4 or 5 in, and was wondering if someone could give me the frame size i need. i'm thinking about getting a bike for transportation but am clueless about what size frame i need.

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