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Posts posted by plebian*or*ReviseOne?

  1. as "artists," we have to be able to take criticism. I think a little humble pie never hurt anyone. I dont think seeking' intentions were to lower your self confidence. I see it as a stepping stone. I feel like a lot of valid points were made from both sides of the camp. I mean why do you think guys like joker, totem, msk can have an "art" show? They have a name...they have a solid portfolio of work that other people took notice of through flicks and zines. I mean you should be proud of whatever you put time into, but if you're doing it just to get "rid of it," how much artistic integrity and thought could you have put into it? Why not just paint over it and create something you wouldn't want to get rid of? Just two cents...quick random thoughts...I know its none of my bizness. peace.

  2. awesome....you said "esoteric lexicon." Wow, that is definately mackadocious. I guess youre not hating...I just feel like not enough people are serious about investing in graff art which is stll considered to be "outsider art," so for some out there to be investing into it I say legitamizes canvases displayed by graffiti artists into the "art" world. I would have to credit him with that. As far as everything else...what can you say? Hecz is a moron that FORGETS THINGS....RIGHT??? HECZ? WHAT ARE NOT GOING TO FORGET THIS TIME?

  3. seyno, it sounds like you've been drinking taht haterade...I think hecz is just joking around. He's showing off some of his canvases in his room so what? he earned his money and is investing in graffiti artists art rather than what the masses buy...I for one thinks he supports graff artists more than any one I know, he's the only one that buys graff art on a regular basis for support and to get some quality art. I can see how it may seem like he's braggin, but he personally knows a lot of people on this board so his "braggin" may have been directed towards his friends the same way you may clown on some of your friends. No biggie...I mean you dont have to get angry or piffed by it, just ignore it, you know?


    graffiti is graffiti.

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