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Anyone else live in a state where Pornhub is blocked?

Fist 666

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2 hours ago, NightmareOnElmStreet said:

Definitely not. Should I, lol??

No, definitely shouldn’t read it, but should be concerned about it being implemented by the Republican Party. It’s the ultra conservative MAGA “plan” for the future of America, which includes banning porn for the regular people. While they probably fap to all the weirdest shit inside their mansions.

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I can see them blocking it yet if they do they damn well better make sure they block Onlyfans as well.


Leave the cam sites alone so more “Lamp on Head“ shenanigans can take place as people from here harass some old lady and post “Lamp on head“ instructions in the chat while taking screenshots to post on here whilst encouraging more people to participate.


If the internet could ever go back to where people paid for their porn maybe the glory days of red and black Private VHS TAPES high quality production content could once again be made whilst restoring the taboo and rebelliousness that came from creating such content with boom mike and reflector holders helping capture the action whilst the performers uttered lines from a dodgy script. Those were and are the days I yearn for, even though it is an impossibility now every kid and their cousin has a phone that can capture high quality video such that they think they are the next Frank Thring or Pierre Woodman or something when I honestly can say 99% of porn made since 2005 isn’t worth shit.


While I obviously understand porn pirates will exist always, given we are just bots looking at pixels through the lenses of our retinas (so much so that Apple jokes about their “retina“ displays) anyway, I am sure that more companies will go and do the Legalporno frame marker trick whilst ISPs will inevitably find a way to have Big Brother take the $250000 FBI prosecution fine from everyone who steals stuff (well they did it to Me so anyone is fair game) and torrents are just a trap laid by the FBI and CIA who write and distribute the torrent programs such that they know the IP addresses of all those who procure such programs or at least are ready to fuck them when they download the inevitable “update“ which will see law enforcement shove a pike up one’s “date“ aka arsehole, because that is what the E-Police do, just listen to this song in context of the concept of the album it comes from and you shall understand.



And if you don’t then at least heed this former Wicked Pirate who retired once legitimate paid digital after My crimes were already stored in metadata that has financially fucked Me to this very day, yet thankfully the supermarkets of Oz allowing themselves to “Dock“ with My avatar via their “Docket Deal“ dollar sign in a red circle being added to every purchase I make based on facial scanning at self checkouts sees the worthless parasites whom get to clean My bank account of the fine money I have paid off in full now render themselves as being worthless and worth $0 as opposed to the $1 I requested to be deposited to My bank account to prove all humans are equal and of greater value than being just talking meat traversing thru the light spectrum, as even My digital friends here on 12oz provide Me greater entertainment and conversation than any of the intellectually challenged fools I usually encounter each day whose conversations go like this.


“How you been?“




What have you been doing?“


“Work. Same old things“


“Have you done anything else. Travelled at all? As every day for Me is different and a literal adventure as I have zero certainty from one day to the next, as My money has been stolen, I have no fixed address, trolls damage My van, and I don’t have a guaranteed job from one day to the next so I can’t plan on even saving for any possible future that can arise. Are you sure you are not doing anything?“


“Went to the pub last week (didnt think to invite you because your property has been assigned to “Public“ status as per the Google Property list you discovered Matt as we rape and pillage all your database assets and render them worthless with our lust and greed but you aren’t supposed to know of our shitty “joke“)“


Then they walk away due to a combination of having nothing else to say, guilt, and the awareness that in spite of everything My existence is preferrable to theirs as at least I have comedy as I am the one telling the joke at their expense.




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And if anyone asks “WHAT DO I MEAN?“ in relation to the above, I graduate and ask the question posed at the conclusion to the initial scene of this movie to Ms Saint




And if I ever had a legit and appropriate time to yell “WONK SAGGIN“ in all caps given Mero sold out and lost his ability to write in them as he adandoned 12oz now is the time, as not only am I still here, but I along with all you reading this are laughing at those who aren’t or can’t (because they are dead). And I will never stop, as what else do I have to do to pass the time as a result of no work, having no money to spend on going anywhere whilst I endure immigrants coming over and thinking they own the place and make make jokes at the locals expense by driving prices up by 33% in a fucking year?

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