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Life Goals


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As the contrast to my scathingly critical posts in regards to the future of humanity, I thought that starting this thread as a means through which we can share and hold ourselves accountable for fulfilling in regards to the future goals we have for ourselves and/or the society we are to exist within going forward.


My only goal at this stage is to once again meet Devin Townsend to shake his hand as I did when all I could say was "I love you Man" with the difference this time to say "Thank You Man" for his sharing of life experiences with his podcasts, music and interview, which He was (lucky or unlucky - lets go with lucky) enough to have experienced prior to me such that he could tell my stubborn ass how to begin to fix what was wrong with my life. Primarily this related to quitting drugs so that I could see how those around me were preying upon the weakened state of my perception that resulted from overclocking the processor that is my brain.


Even though this is a simple goal, it will require me to find a job to afford to attend his next show whenever he comes to my city to play the music that provides the soundtrack to my life and the various stages that "The Tests of Manhood" have posed to me.


Obviously I have more goals, but one achievable goal is enough to get this thread started, so please feel free to share whatever goals or bucketlist items you wish to achieve prior to your mortal life ending as the fallen members of this place serve us reminders of with the posts they left behind in their wake.



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I might be resurrecting this thread many times going forward even if nobody else cares to post in it as I forgot to add that I want to become a helicopter pilot at some point in the future. 


A childhood friend has done it and I have met 2 others who have, and I remember I went up in one last year.


 This was a childhood dream because of this.




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5 hours ago, fat ralphy said:

I want to write a book.

Do it man.


Having written solidly over the last 6 years, even if I never read it, at least it can be used for my next cycle of the infinitely looping simulation as training data.


And if you do make a start, feel free to use this thread to provide status updates.

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8 hours ago, mr.yuck said:


Is that a problem for you? You come off as a pretty even keeled dude.

I would ask the same but it seems Lugr answered already.


 I'm of a similar personality type yet I feel that having travelled and being victim of scam artists and other people who take advantage of you as soon as you appear too mellow makes it difficult to not judge people with the haste.


Yet as I have gotten older I have found a happier medium if only because My judgements have proven to turn out correct whenever I have given people chances I was suspicious of only for them to have proven such suspicions were correct in their application.

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3 hours ago, LUGR said:

I was joking about @mortonbeing an IRL rage maniac. That was a baseless claim.

I know, and having read many of his posts here over the years, I doubt @mortonreally has any issue and is most likely being hypercritical of himself as his internet persona seems to be completely chill from what I have seen.


Another goal I have is to be a better listener in conversation and try to tonally "diplomatic" as opposed to appearing like a know it all egomaniac who selfishly implies or infers superiority in communicating verbally.


Essentially I'm done shouting from the Heavens trying to selflessly help others learn by being quick to tell them how to better whatever situation they are in, only to ostracise myself in the process. Thankfully the people here who appreciate me conveying my desires to help others in the mostly toneless format of text are aware of the intent behind my writings, so thanks to you all for lending me your time and attention when others in this world are sometimes quick to disparage my happiness as being some foreign concept to them.

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On 7/8/2023 at 10:28 PM, fat ralphy said:

I want to write a book.

Think Bojangles was writing a page each day to get his book done.

Maybe start by dictating about a page a day into your notes app or dictation software.Then devote 30 minutes to fixing up any silly spellings etc.

Not sure if that advice helps but it could be a good way to start and you could do it while taking your morning dump (the dictation part that is)

Once you've got a bit down it will feed on itself and get bigger.


I've tried to put together a book on Graff zines but it's not going well or even moving at all - it's been 18 months since I even opened the indesign files.

I've contributed to and proofread a collection of graff stories that got published in 2020.


I had a goal to publish a history of Sydney graffiti but each time I reached out to various figures they snubbed me so that's been abandoned particularly since the book came out.


I did have a goal to walk a section of the earth that would be visible on a world map. ( think Camino de Santiago, PCT, Appalachian trail type distance)

That goal will probably never happen.











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7 hours ago, fat ralphy said:

@Schnitzel. I read Bojangles book when it came out - the page a day advice is solid. Using dictation and then editing even more solid.



I cosign @Bojangles stating he wrote a page a day. I however, write much more than that given that my brain goes into a flow state and I write whatever comes to mind almost like that is the most efficient connection to the muse beyond mind reading itself.


 The pertinent advice though is to not procrastinate and just start. Many people miss out on alot of life experiences due to their fear of failure or the difficulty that may be associated with certain things, yet in most cases, this is the result of the seeds of doubt planted by detractors and those who are likely to never achieve anything.


And writing is extremely cathartic. I have learned to just type out whatever frustration I have in the moment onto the screen and it disappears from my psyche going forward, and as such, I'm no longer as burdened by holding onto grudges or dwelling upon hate such that it would eventually consume Me to where I end up a bitter old Man.


So rather than become Grandpa Simpson yelling at the cloud, I am filling the cloud with my internal monologues from my entire life such that I can look back as an old Man and laugh at how my rage will have hopefully become completely exhausted and there will be a tangible way of Me remembering my past self and moments which would otherwise be forgotten amongst a life well lived.


Another impetus for this, and my choice to become the photographer I always wanted to be since I was a kid, was my Grandmothee having alzheimers before she past to the extent that she didn't even know who I was before she died. 


The above was also part of the reason for starting this thread, as I wish to hold myself accountable and leave myself reminders of ambitions I wish to fulfil, yet if I never start on the journey to accomplishing them, then I am going to be left in the Hellish paradox of "Coulda, Shoulda, Woulda" once again.

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10 hours ago, LUGR said:

What do you want to write a book about @fat ralphy?

So far the general idea is the experience growing up in the Catholic school system during the transition into digital/tech living in Silicon Valley.


A little basketball diaries type vibe. The school experience for me had a crazy spectrum - abusive and perved out nuns, young introduction to substance abuse/graf and criminality contrasted with the false pretenses of morality and catholicism. 

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2 hours ago, Elena Delle Donne said:

pee in that butt 


Well, the way I see it, if you still have your foreskin in tact then you are effectively "peeing in God's butt" everytime you piss, given what else does a closed over foreskin look like other than the outside of a butt?



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4 hours ago, Elena Delle Donne said:

two chicks at the same time, man

It will only lead to disappointment, as we Men are only able to truly concentrate and focus on one thing at a time. Speaking from experience.


9 minutes ago, fat ralphy said:

So far the general idea is the experience growing up in the Catholic school system during the transition into digital/tech living in Silicon Valley.


A little basketball diaries type vibe. The school experience for me had a crazy spectrum - abusive and perved out nuns, young introduction to substance abuse/graf and criminality contrasted with the false pretenses of morality and catholicism. 

Sounds like a great read. Not too dissimmilar to my life experience, minus the perved out nuns part (that came later) but what do you expect from women who wear the title that reflects them "getting none"?

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4 hours ago, Elena Delle Donne said:

two chicks at the same time, man

Now that I think about it, the second chick could help make the peeing in the butt process easier (don't ask how I know this).


Maybe I failed to realise that is what I should have done as opposed to realising that I only have one dick and the seven holes which a singular woman possesses which I can provide pleasure to was sufficient enough for Me and 14 was just too much to handle unless I spawned another pair of arms like Goro.


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1 hour ago, fat ralphy said:

So far the general idea is the experience growing up in the Catholic school system during the transition into digital/tech living in Silicon Valley.


A little basketball diaries type vibe. The school experience for me had a crazy spectrum - abusive and perved out nuns, young introduction to substance abuse/graf and criminality contrasted with the false pretenses of morality and catholicism. 

I (and I'm sure others here) would be happy to proof read whatever you write and are willing to share, and I for one, would happily act as a cheerleader giving you positive encouragement to keep working on it via this thread, so be sure to advise of any progression in regards to your pursuit of such a goal.


it would be interesting to Me to read what you have to say about morality, as I personally believe it exists, yet find that criminality is essentially the result of eschewing morality and the breaking of the Golden Rule.


Whilst such a topic is extremely nuanced, given that the duplicity of those who run and participate in the Catholic Church covering for child abuser priests and other nefarious bullshit throughout history is in direct contravention of that which is "moral", One could argue that as we are effectively "One with God" in Our highest state of existence, then in being God, with everything else also being God, such depraved acts only see "God Fucking God" and as such all "morals" to speak of become irrelevant binary 1s and 0s similar to the priest sticking his dick in young children's assholes so that not only does 1 go into 0, they become equal and equivalent all at the same time.


And yes, you know I have already become so numb to the fact that such fucked up atrocities exist and inhabit this world I live within, yet My own moral stance is that of existing as a "contrarian" to such behaviours whilst being unafraid to call out the literal "bottom feeders" who partake in such activities for being the reprehensible pieces of shit they truly are. As whilst one can morally justify any action if they see themselves as an avatar of God (which is how I see myself and encourage others to do the same), I think the challenge lies in finding techniques to not only persist in the face of such evil, but to obliterate it via utilisation of the least damaging method possible.


Anyhow that is enough of a tangent which I wish to abstain from making in this thread, yet I hope the time I spent writing this post (20-30 mins) shows you how simple it is to make a start as I believe I wrote about a page worth of ideas in this post which meets the Bojangles goal.


And now you can get back to the scheduled program/topic of this thread or whatever.

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17 hours ago, fat ralphy said:

So far the general idea is the experience growing up in the Catholic school system during the transition into digital/tech living in Silicon Valley.


A little basketball diaries type vibe. The school experience for me had a crazy spectrum - abusive and perved out nuns, young introduction to substance abuse/graf and criminality contrasted with the false pretenses of morality and catholicism. 


That's super interesting. My experience was Catholic schools produced some of the most prolific and talented writers of my time period.

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4 hours ago, mr.yuck said:


That's super interesting. My experience was Catholic schools produced some of the most prolific and talented writers of my time period.

I believe that the more restrictions kids have placed upon them and the forced indoctrination of religious beliefs that are tied to a specific "cult", be it Christian, Catholic, Muslim or whatever only leads kids to rebel harder in their teen years as they have more to rebel against.


Obviously I am in the minority in this regard, yet when I attended a Christian school for my initial highschool years only to rejoin my primary school friends in year 10, i found i was about a term and a half behind in the general ciriculum subjects of math amd science but had wicked experiences in outdoor ed and camping and shit.

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