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Getting rid of your cell phone.


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Last night I had an idea I hadn't considered. We've all been funneled into using cell phones all the time. What was life like before cell phones and apps?  Do any of you remember?


Did life somehow suck without cell phones?  Did the convenience eventually become overshadowed by novelty and entertainment?


So last night I turned off my cell phone completely. I'm going to try to get through a few days without it soon (not today). 

I think if I can survive just fine without it, and I'm fairly certain that I can, I may just cancel the plan and hook up a land line to my house with an answering machine.


How many of you cannot survive without your cell phone being close to you all the time?

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2 hours ago, Dirty_habiT said:

Last night I had an idea I hadn't considered. We've all been funneled into using cell phones all the time. What was life like before cell phones and apps?  Do any of you remember?


Did life somehow suck without cell phones?  Did the convenience eventually become overshadowed by novelty and entertainment?


So last night I turned off my cell phone completely. I'm going to try to get through a few days without it soon (not today). 

I think if I can survive just fine without it, and I'm fairly certain that I can, I may just cancel the plan and hook up a land line to my house with an answering machine.


How many of you cannot survive without your cell phone being close to you all the time?



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I have a cell phone (smart phone) with me usually, however it's "offline" (on airplane mode) a lot of the time, because of work or just because the situation calls for peace and quiet.


What I use the thing for the most is probably listening to music, using the calendar, notes, meditation timer, guitar tuner, flashlight, camera.. so basically not a lot of online things but stuff you would have used multiple different "analogue" items for before smartphones were around.



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You can configure this and have a call routing system that can thwart spammers to. Stuff like dial 123321 to leave a message. 

Also there is Stunt Banana which I think you could use to change your outgoing caller ID.  It's a set of custom scripts that installs asterisk a certain way on an ec2 instance. 





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Said this before but until a year or so ago I still had a flip phone.  I'm not attached to my phone at all, put it down in the house and leave it.  Keep the volume at a moderate level, sometimes I don't hear it ring and if I don't that's why it has caller id and voice mail.  Mainly use it for call, text, photos for texts.  I might have used the map function once or twice but otherwise I don't use the internet, don't have or use apps, and have turned off as many functions as I can.  I also don't social media so not connected to my phone for that either.

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I'd actually be fine with a cellphone that is literally JUST a phone.  No t9 texts, no apps, no gps, none of that shit.  My self control doesn't allow me to have a computer in my pocket and not use it for all kinds of time wasting shit.  That's not me taking responsibility, that's me knowing my limitations and what I should distance myself from.

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I've never had a cell phone (Mobile - Europe and Asia). When the telephone rings at my house, I get up and walk to that room. The answering machine screens our calls. If I hear a familiar voice or the call I'm expecting, I'll pick up the transceiver handle and say, "hello". Break time at work I'll sit in my car and read my book. I just finished, Call Of The Wild, so I'm going to pick up, Acid For The Children, from my buddy whom just finished it. Until then it's the current issue of FineScale Modeler



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@Ko SprueOneThats wild bro. Good on you. I held out on cellphones for ever. The best I would do for people was a pager. Like it was deep enough into cell phones that people would look at me like I was retarded when I would tell them to page me if they needed to find me. Finally I had a girl friend buy me a celly cuz, now that I think about it, she probably didn’t believe where I was half the time. 

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I just don't need one yet. I'm not anti-cell or anything like that. I just don't need one yet. 


When I go somewhere that I haven't been before, I'll look it up on the internet then write down the directions and memorize the map on the map site. I'll pick up a paper map of that area if needed. This has been working pretty good. 

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There is no way in hell I’m ever quitting this thing. I’m so addicted it’s literally unhealthy and kind of legitimately insane. If there was rehab I’d consider going it’s that bad. Not even so much for social media or reading either. I’m just addicted to looking at stuff. Stuff for the house. Stuff for this or that. Anything. It’s just always in my hand and I hate it. 

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I really miss when I didn’t have 12oz on here too. That’s a recent thing for me personally. Around about 2/3 years ago when I started coming back maybe a little longer but I still always used my MacBook because my stupid ass couldn’t figure it out on here. But now my oontzing is almost exclusively via the phone. 

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  • 2 years later...
On 12/12/2021 at 9:22 AM, Dirty_habiT said:

Last night I had an idea I hadn't considered. We've all been funneled into using cell phones all the time. What was life like before cell phones and apps?  Do any of you remember?


Did life somehow suck without cell phones?  Did the convenience eventually become overshadowed by novelty and entertainment?


So last night I turned off my cell phone completely. I'm going to try to get through a few days without it soon (not today). 

I think if I can survive just fine without it, and I'm fairly certain that I can, I may just cancel the plan and hook up a land line to my house with an answering machine.


How many of you cannot survive without your cell phone being close to you all the time?

Anyone else try this? What’s your experience been? Maybe it’s an excuse but feel like I can’t get rid of my phone because of work and responsibilities. But damn, miss the days before smart phones. 

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Of course we can all survive and adapt back to life pre cell phones if necessary. Problem is, a nasty ass pay phone is a rare site these days. I won’t be able to pull out my hand written paper list of contacts out of my wallet to call my peeps on the street.

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I haven't tried it.  Sometimes I forget my phone when heading to the store, will panic for a second and continue without though but it feels awkward kind like foil in your mouth when you bite down.  

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I got a smart phone around 3 years ago.  Pretty much limit myself to calls, text, photos, and a few occasional internet usages.  Ringer and notifications no louder than mid range.  Very few apps.  Most capabilities of the phone are turned off.  I'm fairly unattached to it.

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Recently I've just been leaving my phone at home when I go out and about in the world. Life feels more like an adventure when you are untethered from everything. it's freeing leaving your tracking device behind.

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