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Hitler did nothing wrong, according to independent fact checker Joseph Goebbels.


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2 hours ago, Mercer said:



And you.... don't try to act like you're not a leftist disguising as a "libertarian".  I've lurked for a long time watching you contradict yourself and write lonngggggggg boring new york style blathering posts.  Never heard someone use so many words to convey that they have nothing worth listening to to say.


Maybe you're a little angsty because your hormone blockers need to be re-upped.

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I'm transitioning into extra sexy NY pizza slice, pepperoni peep tucked under an anchovy, big dairy products protruding under a slayer shirt. Your strong feels for me technically not homosexual in nature. Everybody like a mouthful of pizza comrade. Everybody.

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I have been dating this girl from Argentina. She has only been in this country for about 6 months and we just skyped for a year before that. She is the one brehs. She cooks, cleans, doesn't smoke weed, doesn't nag, doesn't even raise her voice, and is just an angelic presence in my life. But the one thing that annoyed me about her was when we would be lying in bed after i had put it down and she would be all on me sleeping and her fucking hair would be all in my goddamn face. Her hair is down to her lower back, above her tattoo and it is like a horse's tail. I would be constantly tossin and turnin and moving it off me only for it to get back on there. So about three nights ago, i did the unthinkable brehs. I had been dealing with some unrepentant rage from earlier that night and as i was lying there covered with hair once again, i got up, went to the bathroom, got my clippers, and cut all that shyt off. Well, not all of it, there's a couple of colonies of hair, but it ain't sexy. I immediately felt terrible about it though.

So she has a big family and they got wind of it and her uncles and brothers and her muthafuckin grandfather rolled up on me in a cadillac and basically challenged me to throw hands. It was strange because when they came up to my yard, one of them like had his hand kind of behind the 'lead' guy, who was the grandfather, and the grandfather would be speaking but his mouth was moving strangely, almost like a ventriloquist dummy. But i ain't have time for all that. I cut him off in midsentence and backhanded him in the sternum and he flew up into a redwood tree branch and i seen his shoulders clang together like a pair of South American Cymbals. 

Then one of them had brought a peregrine falcon and he sicked it on me, but i did a back somersault and it (the bird) didn't now what the fuck to do and just hovered there pondering. Then a riot broke out and everyone started brawling and i grabbed my girl and told her 'you see what you caused bitch!' and i cupped her head and kissed the top of it and it looked like Toad from Mario Bros 3 on the NES and i wished that we would be together again, but her emotional ass ran away and won't take my calls. So is there any way to come back from this or what? My xbox is still over there if nothing else. Discuss.

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