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What’s your idea of fun?


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Just curious, and unsure if this has been a topic, but seeing as how most people are in their 30s and 40s and obviously have independence and likely a little disposable income, what do you guys do fit fun on your days off / weekends?


Im not talking about daydreams or what you might save up for, but on the average 2 or 3 day weekend, what’s something you really look forward to or go through some effort to coordinate?


I find myself often feeling unmotivated and seems like you can’t leave the house without spending $100 on random dumb shit. Also seems like the most fun stuff kinda just comes together spontaneously. Anyhow, ski / snowboard season opens in just over a month and I did get a preseason pass so looking forward to that. But what other fun stuff do you guys do on your days off?

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Being without a car-and someone who doesn’t sit still well-I am familiar with this scenario. 
our fun thing the last few years has been camping. (If everything allows; transportation, days off, weather...) 

however-I’m a curious person. And east coast living is new to me so I have a handful of spots that are walkable to  me (within 5 miles is considered walkable). I find any and every way to get to that location (because I don’t like to walk to same way, street, side of street, neighborhood etc....) 

and I make sure I visit it during every season.  It’s almost like a different place every single time. 
if (and when) I had transportation-I’d do (did) the same.  
places range from bandos, track spots, cemeteries, gardens, river spots, inner city, and woodsy.  

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Camping, motorsports related activities (hauling ass, going to car shows, working on vehicles with friends, etc) video games, dirt bikes, bmx, getting work done that I WANT to get done is "fun" to me at times, and binge watching shows.


Camping is by far one of my favorite things to do, but with a huge disclaimer.  You have to be comfortable camping IMO, if you're not then it just makes the experience suck IMO.  I went camping at Colorado Bend SP a few weekends ago, primitive camping.  I brought my bmx and rode ~6mi total over rocky/rough terrain, 4 of which I was carrying a fully loaded down backpacking pack.  It was fun, but it was also bit of work :).

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It's situational for me. I really like breaking the law. Within reason and my own personal moral compass, there isn't a whole lot that's off limits. For example; One of the more fun time's I had was with my wife. When we were looking to buy our house we would go look at properties without a real estate agent and unbeknownst to me, she really enjoyed trespassing and learning the finer points of breaking and entering. 


When not breaking the law, I enjoy exploring parts of town I've never been to, meeting new people, shooting, and fine dining.

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Still active in BJJ which I do usually 3 times a week when we aren't in quarantine. Kickboxing class here and there..... 


I enjoy gaming despite being a couple months shy of 40 - currently rocking Apex Legends and Last of Us II on PS4.

Biking is another thing I dig, currently Mtn. but looking to get back into Road. 


I like listening to vinyl, writing, home improvement nerd shit. Live music when it is happening is a must. 


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Recently it seems to be

  • Graffiti or at least looking at graffiti.
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  • compiling a book on interesting xerox era graff zines.
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  • editing down my collection of 10,000 freight images shot in last few years to preserve the best ones ( some pieces I have 30 times over so plenty to be sorted out.)
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  • compiling a time capsule of my city's pieces etc I'm gonna store it for a decade somehow.
  • 890430144_IMG_67672.thumb.JPG.36787f5704f51837058cac5094fffb86.JPG
  • help a mate with a sketch comp on instagram


  • I also build little collages of pieces and stuff for a project I'm doing but I'm not too far in and not sure 100% what I'm going to do.
  • 327215221_IMG_98432.thumb.JPG.436102adf70906ec86b75be4f37af210.JPG
  • when option presents itself get stupidly drunk.
  • plant vegetables and consider myself a "man of the land" haha!


I also read books sometimes, play with my kids pay with my dog, Play board games like Monopoly and stuff with my son. Catch lizards, do drawings Blow bubbles.


 we dont seem to have a lot of "fun" as family now that I write this


I can't make music, not great at sports, really scared to get back into fitness having fallen so far twice before, not great writing things  ( or writing on things either) or building things.


in words of Blind melon " all I can say is that my life is pretty plain" and completely lopsided.

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The pandemic restrictions both institutional and self-imposed greatly restrict current pursuits of enjoyment.


In the typical situation I enjoy exhibits and performances of  all sorts particularly orchestral and visual arts but pretty much anything also presentations such as lectures etc. I like to be around mastery, in whatever form. Theatre is in there, historical tours, architectural presentations, whatever. There are exceptions I guess but in general I am up for it. 


I do lots of walking and hiking, I especially enjoy these activities with company and conversation, but can certainly go it alone.


Many things I enjoy somehow end up spending some time on the sidelines of my life for whatever reason, cycling, drawing, billiards, reading, gaming, socializing etc.


A list much longer exists of things I think would be fun but have yet to get into, sailing, kayaking, shooting, archery, woodworking, learning to hand paint signs, etc.


I make time for family such as it is and such as I can, death when it visits always reminds us to take it while we can.


Fun is not what it was, no longer a direct thrilling moment but now more a general sense and experience of time well spent.









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My fun has different tiers of enjoyment as does maybe everybody’s. Shit jumps around a lot depending on my mood which changes frequently. In no real particular order.


Feeling free and exploring. Urban settings or in the woods hiking. 

Skateboarding with my bros whenever we can.


Relaxing and listening to records.

A jammer and a b-movie vhs.


Aimlessly cruising on the bike with a fanny pack, full of stickers. 

Aimlessly cruising on the bike, stopping every so often to catch curry hands in broad daylight. 

Getting loose and painting in the studio I no longer have but will have again. 

Going to bars and playing pool with strangers. This one I miss dearly. 

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My week has no beginning nor a end. Can't tell the difference between merely existing and living free.



Anyways; read, paint, self destruction, procrastinate, plot, cycling, online dating, escape from institutions, visit second hand stores and putting work in friendships.

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weekend road trips, Chicago street fests (RIP 2020), hanging out at the local dive bar and talking shit about cars, sports, and  politics. I also enjoy building stuff, like it doesn't even matter if its a nice piece of furniture or just some dumb bracket I need to fab up for the Jeep. Honestly just anything that keeps me out of trouble and I still have money leftover to pay the bills 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 10/25/2020 at 6:31 PM, mr.yuck said:

It's situational for me. I really like breaking the law. Within reason and my own personal moral compass, there isn't a whole lot that's off limits.


I feel like everyone's answer should include this given the site.  If I make it to old age I'd like to be like that old man in Hong Kong who goes around tagging shit.  Anyhow if we were ever to meet IRL we'll have to have a few beers while listening to a looping playlist of Authority Song, I Fought The Law, and Breaking The Law.



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