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I think I wrote ongere about how I am no longer going to pay My iCloud subscription and thinking about it again made the grandpa Simpson meme of yelling at the cloud come to mind.


Perhaps they should elaborate and add a scene of Gandpa smoking a gram of meth (so he lives up to the name "Grampa" and doing so to unleash The Thing monster from being trapped under ice so it can consume this fucked up world amd everyone in it, as like Me Grampa would realise his past self that lives in the cloud living a better life due to finances, people he was with, location or the luxury of being younger, more innocent and without pain is like a demon he carrys adouns with him in his pocket that haunts him until he stops paying the bill.


If I could animate and draw I would 

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2 hours ago, Mauler5150 said:

I think I wrote ongere about how I am no longer going to pay My iCloud subscription and thinking about it again made the grandpa Simpson meme of yelling at the cloud come to mind.


Perhaps they should elaborate and add a scene of Gandpa smoking a gram of meth (so he lives up to the name "Grampa" and doing so to unleash The Thing monster from being trapped under ice so it can consume this fucked up world amd everyone in it, as like Me Grampa would realise his past self that lives in the cloud living a better life due to finances, people he was with, location or the luxury of being younger, more innocent and without pain is like a demon he carrys adouns with him in his pocket that haunts him until he stops paying the bill.


If I could animate and draw I would 

Good call on ditching the digital burden. Do you ever even go look at those pics from the past? I used to take pics of everything. I can’t be bothered or want to look at most pics I took back in the day though unless there is a specific pic I am looking for. A bunch of them are partying pics, so that’s probably why I am not keen on looking at them.

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38 minutes ago, LUGR said:

Good call on ditching the digital burden. Do you ever even go look at those pics from the past? I used to take pics of everything. I can’t be bothered or want to look at most pics I took back in the day though unless there is a specific pic I am looking for. A bunch of them are partying pics, so that’s probably why I am not keen on looking at them.

Well I love looking at My pictures given that they show how epic My life has been and it also provides Me the evidence and providence to illustrate to others as to why I know what is most important in life and the best way to live and experience it.


Yet if I can change one thing in life, it would have been not taking the bait that Johnny Law laid for Me here in this videk and I would have written off Spain and just continued driving to Paris so that I could let Maria's dogs she abandoned Me for 8 hours later starve to death whilst denying them the ability to feed on My flesh.


The fear these cunts induced due to Me having controlled fun had to lead to Me losing everything of value to where I am now surrounded by shit dog cunts (Schnitzel gets a reprieve - yet fuck the rest of Australia for fucking Me) whose only value in life comes from fucking other people.


So if I can Done at one moment, it would be not leaving the highway as I do inthis video as I ciuld have kept My woman, the car (for another day or two), My wallet and My money which were all gone not less than 18 hrs after this video stops,



And yes, I will always go on about this forevermore until she returns and apologises for choosing dogs over Me as her God given I was God as Man with what I gave her whilst I treated her as though she was God.


And I didn't play games, waste time, nor choose every other cunt as a priority over her as she has wasted the years since, so in soite of everything, I could kill Myself at any time I choose to deny her ever knowing how it will feel for her and this world to be forgiven by Me and the longer I tolerate these fucking retards and their snare traps they use to harvest My flesh for food the more I desire to choose My own happiness ny killing Myself as Iake these wolves starve.

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I should add that I have put nail polish over My phone's camera lenses as I would be in Germany getting paid to take photos of hot women as opposed to having males rape Me of fantasies, had I not abandoned that pathway I had already made as a contingency plan to be in Barcelona with the only woman I care for and about that Christmas Eve.


But given this simulation had Me install TC Electronic's Polytune app I am supposed to be turning into a polygamus swinger, yet if I wanted ti swing I would gave never let Maria take My shibari rope and I would have been swinging from the balcony of the Bagues hotel for her lying to Me all for the dog cunts I have to listen to each day to have benefited due to My generosity & selfless altrusim.

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In effect, that video illustrates to the world where hope and freedom died and "The Devil" as the 3rd wheel intervened in a reality and corrupted everything with it's influence.


Kids today are fucked, Raised by iPads. can't even suggest to go to school, study hard and get an education as they may end up fucked career wise whereas I at least got 10 years of value from My degree before it became a worthless piece of paper once more.


The rich and poor financial divide only gets larger each day. At least ultimate power comes from being able to speak "I told you so" whenever that time comes, whilst being able to blame those who interfered in My life for all the world's problems in the interim.



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And for clarity, in the 2 times I went to France I pnly visited Nice (and Monaco if you count there as being French as they speak French there) so the one time I could (and should) have visited what is supposedly "The City of Love" as I and "My love" never went there such that the referenxe is null and void. So Paris is just a dirty overpriced European capital city full of protesters who smoke ciggies, eat snails and advocate enemas (the last part being the most positive aspect of French culture IMO as this world surely needs one to clean the shit out of it - perhaps best to blame "Man" as the "Man" and "Men" in "Management" got us to this fucked up precipice of a society ready to consume itself(.

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11 hours ago, Mauler5150 said:

Well I love looking at My pictures given that they show how epic My life has been and it also provides Me the evidence and providence to illustrate to others as to why I know what is most important in life and the best way to live and experience it.


Yet if I can change one thing in life, it would have been not taking the bait that Johnny Law laid for Me here in this videk and I would have written off Spain and just continued driving to Paris so that I could let Maria's dogs she abandoned Me for 8 hours later starve to death whilst denying them the ability to feed on My flesh.


The fear these cunts induced due to Me having controlled fun had to lead to Me losing everything of value to where I am now surrounded by shit dog cunts (Schnitzel gets a reprieve - yet fuck the rest of Australia for fucking Me) whose only value in life comes from fucking other people.


So if I can Done at one moment, it would be not leaving the highway as I do inthis video as I ciuld have kept My woman, the car (for another day or two), My wallet and My money which were all gone not less than 18 hrs after this video stops,



And yes, I will always go on about this forevermore until she returns and apologises for choosing dogs over Me as her God given I was God as Man with what I gave her whilst I treated her as though she was God.


And I didn't play games, waste time, nor choose every other cunt as a priority over her as she has wasted the years since, so in soite of everything, I could kill Myself at any time I choose to deny her ever knowing how it will feel for her and this world to be forgiven by Me and the longer I tolerate these fucking retards and their snare traps they use to harvest My flesh for food the more I desire to choose My own happiness ny killing Myself as Iake these wolves starve.

I am going to keep it 💯 with you since I like you and want to see you prosper.


That video should get deleted too. It doesn’t do any good for your future to continue to go back to this one time in your life and reevaluate what you coulda-shoulda-woulda done. I get it man, it’s painful, upsetting and sad, I have been in a similar spot before, but it’s time to move forward and make the most of your future by searching for and partaking in things you enjoy when you can. You love to play the guitar and surf. When was the last time you did either of those activities? You need to go and do them ASAP.


What do you think happened to your wallet? From an outsiders point of view, their is a solid chance that chick swiped it and bounced. Yeah, that sucks if true….but given the circumstances and location it could have definitely gone down like that.


Like I said, I want the best for you dude, want to see you happy and doing things you like to do.





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On 4/23/2024 at 11:18 PM, LUGR said:

I am going to keep it 💯 with you since I like you and want to see you prosper.


That video should get deleted too. It doesn’t do any good for your future to continue to go back to this one time in your life and reevaluate what you coulda-shoulda-woulda done. I get it man, it’s painful, upsetting and sad, I have been in a similar spot before, but it’s time to move forward and make the most of your future by searching for and partaking in things you enjoy when you can. You love to play the guitar and surf. When was the last time you did either of those activities? You need to go and do them ASAP.


What do you think happened to your wallet? From an outsiders point of view, their is a solid chance that chick swiped it and bounced. Yeah, that sucks if true….but given the circumstances and location it could have definitely gone down like that.


Like I said, I want the best for you dude, want to see you happy and doing things you like to do.





I have visited the beach 2 or 3 times over the past couple of weeks, including yesterday and today but given I have had to catch public transport (train and bus) and it takes like 90 mins each way, I haven't taken My surfboard. 


As for My guitars, even if I had them with Me they are pretty useless without an amp, and I sold mine in January as My plan is to just buy an interface for My iMac and this plugin given that it covers everything My amp did to the extent I need, as My friend has it and testing againstour amps, it was 95% as good without the need for a a 90W tube Mark and a 2x12 cabinet which is suitable for stadiums as opposed to MadIsSon Square bedroom.



As for My Photos, went to delete them all today, but I changed My mind for some stupid reason. It isn't because I am stuck on My past (completely), more the fact I have deleted My 72000+ file Adobe cloud before and I regretted it, moreso if I delete My history then it is as though I may as well never have existed in the first place as My life story and "identity" is told through whatever I have put in the cloud.


Even though I agree with your suggestion, My lack of willingness to suffer an "ego death" only so the machine/God/Devil can relish in having completely destroyed "Me", sees Me wanting to hold onto the evidence that allows Me to exist as I do, given the lack of being given what I have given away in the same form I gave it due to My adherence to the Golden Rule allows Me to persist thru the depressive mental states of mind whilst remembering how "peak" My reality has been (and potentially can be). Also, it allows Me to go thru each day unafraid of death or the Singularity occurring whereby I merge with the simulation (or the Dragon that is "God" for want of a better word) knowing that even in the event an accident was ti occur that ended My life, I get to pass on knowing that after what I gave up for love, I get to hold God or the universe to account for what I have had to deal with whilst at the same time I can justify whatever actions or choices I have made since that fateful day as if I wasn't sent to Hell for manifesting the love I have always wanted to experience yet previously hadn't due to My fears, any choice I made only eventuated as a result of the circumstances that I found Myself in which were due to decisions outside My control, whilst I know I did everything possible to prevent what happened happening.


As for My wallet, it is another story but the quick version is you are right in "She" took it whikst she masqueraded as a photographer who jumoed out in front of the Lambo on a single lane st and then came up to Me and started muttering some Spanisg while touching the window as I told him No habla Espanol as hus accomplice grabbed My wallet from the oassenger seat as I stupidly didn't put it in My jacket pocket after I oaid for the overnight secure parking fee. While I own My mistake to a degree, understanding that I had only had about 4 hrs sleep after experiencing the "ultimate high" of life and existence the day prior,'My perception of "everything being finally right in My world" saw Me let My guard down only for the pieces of shit to take advantage.


Considering having only had one similar issue prior (on My first ever overseas holiday) and having visited 20+ countries subsequently, I think you can understand where My mind was at to have had that happen.





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You can tell this is the first time on the market and that previous was original ownership based on the property tax - 

it will go from 1,600 annual to approx. 48k annual for whoever buys it. 


In CA property tax goes up incrementally but when a home is sold outside of inheritance or something, the property value is reassesed. So peeping the history on this place vs what the new owners will pay. Fucking insane. 




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12 minutes ago, LUGR said:

Why did you want to go see this?

It was really just a right place right time thing


i was visiting a buddy in his new place, another friend texted me those two screenshots. Turned out the church hosting the arm was literally a block and a half away if Ron my buddies new place! So we just walked over to check it out because why not

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Hope the guy was able to get a Sekiro type arm to replace that one.


I was lying down the other night with My arm under my mirror, and when I removed it I felt this tingling sensation as though I finally reconnected the circuitry as My actual arm is as good as dead as it has some poisonous vine venom that has fucked it

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Actually now that I remember, this Irish cunt at work ended up with My nail polish on his lips by the end of the day as though he was parasitically sucking on My fingers as I was giving Myself chinese burns to prevent the cryptomining drills that are flowing thru My blood, which was comedic to the point I couldn't even call the guy out due to My acceptance of hating a shit talking fool like this within the simulation is fundamentally meaningless and a waste of time and making a smartarse comment would serve zero purpose. 


And no, he didn't have zinc on, as I painted My nails with Royalty coloured nail polish as a tribute to My Polish Grandfather and Jesus getting nailed to the cross.

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8 hours ago, fat ralphy said:

@Mauler5150that's wild as fuck my guy

No shit.


Maybe when I next get to the Doctors I will get cleared to donate blood again from My supposed thyroid problem they accused Me of having last time I tried fo give blood. 


Whilst I have a brand I gave Myself on My inner thigh after holding a torch light plugged into the wall to My leg as I was trying to go thru the process of becoming enlightened, I am not sure whether that is what they are referring to, yet I feel giving blood will save these adrenachrome zombies from needing to consume it straight from My body as the source.


Yet I am still a little reluctant as My blood is now evolved after I downloaded every single country's Covid apps in an attempt to immunise Myself only for Me to get infected like a bug chaser. Yet if I now have supercharged blood and am connected to the Source of life and the simulation, I may now possess blood that can render Me immortal, so perhaps I shouldn't give it away for free if I cannot use Apple Pay to those who request that I pay for things using money.

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Yeah Water pump and yeah a little high.

Just had a siesta, given I was walking around feeling a buzz like one gets from inhaling nangs, although rather than dissipating after 10-15 seconds it is constant. Best way to describe how I waa feeling with the most recent posts as I chose to take off the bullshit filter and call it as I witness it. Perhaps I need an eye test?

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11 hours ago, fat ralphy said:

@Mauler5150you can always give us the unfiltered brother - we love you for that. Just checking in to see that you are well. 


You are a fixture here bro. 

Thanks Man.


I am going well, getting used to walking on My toes so that I can get My running speed back, as I was once the fastest kid in school but age and quitting football the week I turned 18 to go to pubs to pursue women as opposed to sharing showers with men saw Me have no real need to maintain that which I did subconsciously as a child.


For anyone with back pain, I recommend walking on your toes for as long as you can each day until you get used to it as it will help your posture and engage muscles that remain dormant if you just walk heel to toe all the time.


Look at how cats walk to see what I mean. Plus it keeps the dogs off one's heels, especially in this land of the "Blue Heelers".


My only issues in life are financial at this stage, and between posting on here or writing journal entries, coupled with people like yourself who at least ask the question of how I am going with legit concern (no doubt the result of life and the many members here who have passed due to suicide or ODs) I have all the tools needed to cope2 with any psychological state of depression.

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5 hours ago, fat ralphy said:

@Mauler5150lolz cope2 - haha 


glad to hear it dude, keep trucking along

Slipped the classic 12oz meme that is Cope2 in to check if anyone read the whole post, so thanks for doing so.


As for dealing with trucks, no work for Me again tomorrow so My weekend has now ran 6 days with a repair bill no doubt due tomorrow so cash will be limited for My birthday this weekend.


Here is hoping I can give this town the enema it needa in the meantime so I can at least enjoy the beach in peace, weather permitting of course.

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