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Pet peeves

Moe Szyslak

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On 1/22/2020 at 11:54 PM, Diesu said:

A light just turned on by itself outside my bathroom. Switched it off about 15 minutes ago. It happened once before about 2 years ago, i rationalized it as the switch sticking then slowly popping loose and not a poltergeist..


The cat shows no sign awareness of any immediate spirit activity..


Its 5.53am

Was the light switch actually flipping? 

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8 hours ago, abrasivesaint said:

Use of the word “credentials.”

I have to use this word for work all the time when asking people for login credentials.


I, too, am annoyed by people referring to something as a piece.  It's like they want to sound cultured or something and maybe they should have a monocle.

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On 1/22/2020 at 3:24 PM, mr.yuck said:

My new favorite thing is to flick on my signal and instantly start drifting into their lane. I know my truck goes first and the trailer follows shortly after. People dramatically slam their brakes, lay on their horn, give me the finger, violently yell and scream. Once im over, i like to roll down my window stick my arm out and give them the thumbs up, letting them know they did a good job getting out of the way.

I like to wave at people that are acting like assholes one the road almost like I'm telling them "thank you".  I know it has to make them even more upset to have me thinking they're being a nice guy when they're trying their hardest to be an upset wuss.

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 gum trees.

 all the Aussies who live in suburbia will understand.


10 months a year dumping pounds of leaves that don't rot just clog up your guttering

1 month a year dropping pounds of leaves hat don't rot just clog up your guttering and little bits of flowers

1 month a year dropping pounds of leaves hat don't rot just clog up your guttering and these little gumnut covers that have spikes on them so you tread on them.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Today I went to Lil Doddy.... it's a burger place that is a smaller offshoot of Hop Doddy.  Hop Doddy is really good, Lil Doddy is pretty good too.... but not as good.


Anyway, as we get to the guy that takes your order, I notice he's the same super overly chipper/helpful attitude guy that annoyed me a little bit last time.  NOBODY is in that good of a mood at work.  So I ordered the El Diablo, which comes with some spicy sauce and fresh jalapeno slices on it.  Right after I order it mega chipper dude is like "I just have one question, are you ready for your face to melt off?"  O_o


So anyway, I've had this burger before, it's not spicy.  You could use the spicy stuff in it for eye drops and be fine.  My pet peeve is when things say they're spicy on the menu but they're like punk bitch spicy.... like might burn your 5 year olds mouth a little bit spicy.


I have mad respect for restaurants that will actually make food on the verge of too hot to eat.

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8 minutes ago, Dirty_habiT said:

I get over to let them then go back to the left lane to pass the other traffic. That's how it's supposed to work anyway. 

I usually follow them to their destination and punk their fucking asses 

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To add on to what I was saying earlier.... if you intend to quit, it's good to let your "friends" know that it's your intention.  They, if they care about you at all, will help keep you accountable for what you said.  It's not their responsibility to fix your addiction problem but the ones that are willing to help truly do care about your well being.

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7 hours ago, Dirty_habiT said:

To add on to what I was saying earlier.... if you intend to quit, it's good to let your "friends" know that it's your intention.  They, if they care about you at all, will help keep you accountable for what you said.  It's not their responsibility to fix your addiction problem but the ones that are willing to help truly do care about your well being.

wrong thread?

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People who go under the speed limit on highways/freeways

People who drive slow in the fast lane/don't use left lane for passing only

People who get in my 3 foot circle / Personal space.

Nosey People

People who lack mutual respect (especially the younger generation)

Lazy people at work

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9 hours ago, WorldBench said:

People who go under the speed limit on highways/freeways

People who drive slow in the fast lane/don't use left lane for passing only

People who get in my 3 foot circle / Personal space.

Nosey People

People who lack mutual respect (especially the younger generation)

Lazy people at work

Amen to all of that.

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