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☠ THE CANCER THREAD - a.k.a. I'm Fucking Dying ☠


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So glad to hear you're feeling better from what my mum said it knocks the hell out of you and from your description it sounds awful.

 so glad you're feeling human again.


Congratulations on getting hitched!

Family and friends or just the two of you?

Either way i hope it was great!


 in true 12oz style regarding the sweet-ass fanny pack - I think we're going to need pictures.


and as Dirty_habit we're all behind you!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'll spend some more time on 12oz than I have in the past two or three years. I'd like to continue the laughs we've all shared, the homo dungeons we've been forced to look at, 
and the ridiculous PopGunWar "I went to jail for smashing & grabbing at a Gavincci store" (or whatever the fuck). 

You're all good people....except for Mero who forgot us. Ashy elbow havin' ass muffucka. 

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5 hours ago, NightmareOnElmStreet said:

Congrats on the hitchins bro! Kick every day square in the nuts if you're up for it! 


@lord_casekFuck Mero!  (j/p)  But ferreal though. That motherfucker has the nerve to mention Reddit every now and again on the show but not a one damn 12oz s/o in 3 seasons. 

I won't even watch. Dude's wife probably looks like Cope with psoriasis.

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Sup y'all.


Another three weeks have gone by and it's been good and bad. My second round of chemo was January 20th to 22nd. The entire IV infusion session on Monday took six hours. SIX. FUCKING. HOURS. Side effects were about the same as the first treatment session, but this time I noticed a temporary neuropathy (tingling sensation in finger tips when touching anything really cold).


On Wednesday the 28th I was having an elevated heart rate, light headedness, and was doubling over in pain from my lower right abdomen. I figured it had something to do with my appendix, since that's where the pain was emanating. Ended up going to the ER. They ran the usual tests along with a CT scan that (sure enough) revealed acute appendicitis. Had to stay overnight for an appendectomy the following morning. Spent my first time in a hospital overnight and barely slept. Some elderly guy across the hall kept screaming for a nurse all night and asking for sangria. The surgical procedure was quick. Had to stay another night for observation. Feeling fine now overall. My treatments sessions have been pushed back a week because of the surgery. Nice to have a full two weeks of no chemo. Nest session is February 10th.


On a random drive this past weekend I discovered there is a Buddhist temple on 160 acres not even 10 minutes from my house. By no means am I a religious or spiritual person, but it might be a good place to relax.



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On 1/4/2020 at 2:07 PM, abrasivesaint said:

Given my brother’s history, my lifestyle through my 20s, recent ailments, and this post, i just scheduled an appointment to get screened. I’ve had a weird tight feeling in my chest the past few days after swallowing (/nh) and eating, so not going to lie, reading this sort of scared the shit out of me. 


On 1/4/2020 at 11:44 PM, Dr. Dazzle said:

I've had another endoscopy since, but this has made me realize I should really make an appointment to get another one.


@abrasivesaintand @Dr. DazzlePlease do get yourselves checked out. I waited too long and it (literally) eats me up inside that I did.



On 1/11/2020 at 9:30 AM, Fist 666 said:

@-Rage- Been a fan of yours since the early oughts in the Photography Thread and consistent solid posts in AFI's top 5 threads.

Are the Top5 threads still a thing? If not, they should make a comeback.



On 1/12/2020 at 2:16 PM, misteraven said:

...my thought is anyone in this position would be best served by looking at solutions and trying to harness the positivity of certain actions, rather than add to the stress of it all by only thinking about the negative.

In the past I have always been very dismissive of "positive thinking" or meditation as I found them to be rather farcical. I have always been a person that is rooted in the present and very future focused and oriented. I always had to know what my plans were and how to accomplish my goals.


After my diagnosis I am just trying to live day-to-day and be as passive as possible. I mentioned in my last post that I discovered a Buddhist temple not far from where I live. I signed up for a lecture there this weekend on anger and stress. Perhaps it will help me cope with what I am going through. I figured it couldn't hurt to go and try something new.



On 1/16/2020 at 10:20 AM, Dirty_habiT said:

I'm just telling you this so you can keep the idea in your head that doctors are wrong about things at times and they are kind of like "more professional" weathermen IMO.

I certainly agree with the doctors being more like "professional weathermen" analogy. While I am sure that the doctors I am seeing are very good, I still plan to seek out a second or third opinion. I'll likely be heading to Sloan-Kettering in NYC in March. I've read that their cancer center and doctors/staff are top-notch.



On 1/16/2020 at 6:27 PM, Schnitzel said:

Congratulations on getting hitched!

Family and friends or just the two of you?


in true 12oz style regarding the sweet-ass fanny pack - I think we're going to need pictures.

It was truly a last minute low-key no frills wedding. My mom was in town for my first treatment session and I figured she could be one of the two legal witnesses. The second witness was my former housemate. Ironically, the wedding was officiated by my ex-partner of 8 years.


Fuck, I've been meaning to take a photo with the fanny pack. I'll have to do that next week during my treatment session.



On 1/26/2020 at 9:32 PM, jbrshmonster said:

on a lighter note I just picked this up for $35 and already wasted a bunch of shots! The joy of old polaroids haha

How on earth did you find anSX-70 for only $35?! I'm jealous man.

We need to make another 12oz Polaroid Pass Around book happen (or something similar with another instant film media).



On 1/31/2020 at 7:13 AM, lord_casek said:

I'd like to continue the laughs we've all shared, the homo dungeons we've been forced to look at,

That fucking thread... 🤣

I've got to watch where I tread in the Oontz these days. I'm on a work issued laptop.



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Sup y'all.


Rounds 3 and 4 of chemo have come and gone. Side effects are all still the same with the exception of random nosebleeds and increased neuropathy. If my hands hit cold water, are in the fridge/freezer, or if I am outside long enough in the cold temps the tips of my fingers are like pins and needles. It has made cooking or handling cold foods really difficult.


I was told that after six treatment sessions there will be a new CT scan to determine if this barrage of chemicals is working.



Side note: The Buddhist temple near me is pretty dope. I went the other weekend to explore all of the buildings. Didn't see many people. I'm hoping to chat with someone there at some point.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Finally some good news... Prior to my sixth treatment session I had another CT scan performed. My oncologist said that all of the cancerous growths had reduced in size by about 50%. While that is certainly good progress, I am not cured by any means. Treatments will continue as normal until another CT scan in mid-June. For now I am only venturing out in the public for my appointments. The last thing I need is the coronavirus right now.


On an even lighter note: There a massive black bear that has been raiding our trash can. Finally caught him on the trail cam.



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