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12 hours ago, fat ralphy said:

All BS aside @misteraven - the forum is functioning at the highest level I can remember. The interface is hella smooth and way easier to use both via mobile or desktop. 


My .02.

Appreciate the feedback... Working on some upgrades with @Dirty_habiTto try and bump speed a bit more since the system resource is available.


Likewise, have put a ton of time (including lately)  into exploring how I might be able to figure out a dedicated mobile app. Zero progress on that front, but I am still looking and hope to refine the mobile browser version of it further.


I am planning to try and give the forum yet another big push, but being 100% honest, it really depends on all you guys... I'm providing the platform here, but its success depends on its community. We've made a ton of progress if you guys can remember where it was at 1 year, 2 years and 3 years ago, but I've had a lot of conversations lately about how if we can go from 6 - 12 logged in users throughout most the day to 35 - 50, it's likely enough to have the critical mass necessary to truly tip over and self sustain. Basically means each of us need to try and get two users engaged and then, after that to have all of us engage two more users once again.


Lot to ask from you guys, but if we could somehow coordinate that, it'll truly blow things up and make for a steady stream of fun shit to read and comment on.



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On 5/25/2019 at 10:48 PM, Schnitzel said:

sorry I'm crap at explaining.

Underneath where it said "go to topic listing" it used to say channel zero for example.


 then on the other side  where it says "go to next unread thread" it would have the thread name underneath.








Screen Shot 2019-05-26 at 2.08.16 pm.png

Screen Shot 2019-05-26 at 2.08.18 pm.png

Finally figured it out... The feature was removed by the developers due to processing overhead in trying to find the next unread topic per user. Seems forums with many logged in users were straining under the loads that function required: https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/451296-next-unread-topic/


Sorry, no way I can recreate that. Only solution if of the developers of the software find a work around that would lessen the overhead of that feature.

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Also, I just made some server changes that was affecting the uploads / attachments mentioned earlier. Seems there wasn't enough being allocated in one of the configuration files, but its since been corrected. Shouldn't be any issues uploading images anymore.



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New update / feature... Added a groups panel to the forum index. Obviously trying to encourage the groups section as activity steadily grows. Currently configured to show two groups, prioritized by latest activity and with permission settings that are set to visible. Anyhow, at the very least, it'll remind people to check in on occasion. For a minute I was strongly considering consolidating all forums into two... Graffiti / Not Graffiti and then allowing anything else to be broken out into groups. But felt it would be a nightmare to untangle it later when traffic picks up enough that two mega forums would be too limiting.


Anyhow, check it out and enjoy!





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groups feature is a nice addition to the site!




On 5/31/2019 at 1:25 PM, fat ralphy said:

All BS aside @misteraven - the forum is functioning at the highest level I can remember. The interface is hella smooth and way easier to use both via mobile or desktop. 


My .02.

This is very true!

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  • 4 months later...

I've been one of the ones who pops in from time to time, and who has popped in to check on things throughout the years.


I'm old school digital, not really a fan of social, and much prefer venues like this.

I enjoy the reading, long posts, long thoughts, sometimes I contribute, sometimes not.


I agree with much of what people are talking about in this thread and others about social media, evolution, next steps for social society in general.


For me, I've been designing/building sites since the 90's and have been swept up in phone culture, unfortunately, primarily because it's my job. From performance to readability, to feature sets, new api's, I'm constantly on my phone - this post no different.


I find myself on my phone, most times.


For me personally, it's a no brainer to want to be here, on a stable platform, with others, creating content with other like minded people.

Unfortunately for me, and may seem like a trivial thing to most, I physically can't stay here for long.

I've mentioned it in passing a couple of times over the years, but I physically can't read this content for very long, on my phone, before my eyes burn out with strain.


body copy font of Roboto, at 14px is too hard to read. I had to take breaks reading the the first post. It's not a very friendly reading font.


On a desktop, I use my own CSS overides for post copy, minor - letter spacing, line height, line length, straight verdana - but on a phone it's much more of a pain in the ass as we don't have access to the same browser internals.


That's my 2¢, and the most important reason I'm not on here much anymore.



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19 minutes ago, bigpoppa.k said:

Unfortunately for me, and may seem like a trivial thing to most, I physically can't stay here for long.

I've mentioned it in passing a couple of times over the years, but I physically can't read this content for very long, on my phone, before my eyes burn out with strain.


body copy font of Roboto, at 14px is too hard to read. I had to take breaks reading the the first post. It's not a very friendly reading font.


This actually applies to me - just got my first pair of reading glasses to celebrate my45th birthday so I'd always assumed it was me but maybe it's not.


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Should be in that bitch he thread, but certainly something we can look into. If I had the resources, I’d also create a day and night theme like Hypebeast (and iOS) recently launched. There was one iteration of the forum where I did this ages ago and everyone on the forum went nuts about the white theme and complained, despite their also being a dark theme available. 

I have no near vision issues myself so this all looks fine to me, but line height feels a bit tight and I can look into what’s involved in increasing font size. There’s a lot of classes used to specify font size throughout so need to figure out how easy (or not) it would be to do. Anyways, I’ll check that out. 

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31 minutes ago, Dirty_habiT said:

@bigpoppa.k- Are you saying the font used on the mobile theme for this site is hard to read and that's why you don't come here as often as you would?

That is indeed the one and only reason I'm not here more, my eyes and brain just can't take it.


I was also mistaken, the mobile font size is set at 13px, with a tight line height. It's says 1.6, but that doesn't seem right, although because it's Roboto and not a standard font it could be.


There's a lot of UX research out there about readability of fonts, uses, etc. with Roboto not being a very friendly readable font on mobile unless it's at least set to 15px, usually 16 - which is most users default font base size.


Roboto is a great font, and great for Headings and other uses, just not for long form.


in the css:

'at' screen and max-width 767px - .ipsType_normal is set at 13px. ".ipsType_normal" is the selector you're looking for.

As a test in my dev tools i've reset it to 1rem, letter-spacing .1px, which is much better, and makes my eyes go ahhhhhhh...


I didn't mean to hijack the thread with something not so relevant, as I do have quite the opinion on the topic. Also didn't see the bitch thread that @ravenmentioned.

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5 minutes ago, Mercer said:

@bigpoppa.kThis is super relevant, especially as most of the board starts aging past 40, lol. I rarely use a mobile browser to access though and hadn't noticed this myself.

During the day I don't have much time to browse anything on a desktop, as I'm neck deep in code. But my downtime, phone on in front of the TV, phone on browsing and reading before bed.

I turned 46 this year, so i'm right there with a lot of people, but don't yet need glasses. But I do need to be mindful of eyestrain because of the hours I spend in front of a monitor all day already.

I frequently use the reader view for a lot of articles, or save to Pocket for a better reading experience.

I've managed to ease my eyes just a little bit more here in the last 10 minutes, by updating my userStyles css for 12oz, changing the link colour from straight white to e1e1e1. White is too electric on the dark background.

Super subtle changes that make my experience pleasurable, and seems as though i may not be the only one.

I wish it was this simple on a phone, although I am looking into firefox add ons to let me do this.

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@bigpoppa.kJust hit 45 myself, had a similar conversation with our guests last night. I'm starting to have trouble reading things too close to my face and I'm starting t hold things further away. May need reading glasses within the next couple of years.


Every once in a while I'll have friend bust out glasses which is how the conversation started last night. Me personally, I reflexively always adjust default line height to 1.4 em for readability. I do like the aesthetic values of the type on here for desktop though.

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17 minutes ago, Mercer said:

@bigpoppa.kJust hit 45 myself, had a similar conversation with our guests last night. I'm starting to have trouble reading things too close to my face and I'm starting t hold things further away. May need reading glasses within the next couple of years.


Every once in a while I'll have friend bust out glasses which is how the conversation started last night. Me personally, I reflexively always adjust default line height to 1.4 em for readability. I do like the aesthetic values of the type on here for desktop though.

hahaha, yeah, i'm almost there too. I don't yet hold things further away, I do sometimes need a nice bright light to hold things under though.


I quite like the aesthetic on desktop too, but adjusted the copy in these boxes slightly.

I've added letter-spacing: .75px and dropped to font-weight: 100 instead of the base 400.

It's so much more enjoyable, and so much more readable.


That's the tricky thing with forums like this. It doesn't much matter when browsing the photo threads, it's only when getting into in-depth convos and reading long form responses. Definitely a balancing act.


Ultimately it all circles back around to the topic at hand in some form.

If i've been molded into a social media junkie, as most have to this point, with the UX being quick hits and limited engagement, when creating a space that's the opposite of that, or trying to get people away from that, extra care and research in something often glossed over and overlooked like this issue, would only benefit.

I've run into it too many times to count over the years, and for the most part, the users have no idea why they don't like something, or don't stay, or aren't engaged - even if the content is what they're there for.

I'm just in a unique position, being someone who builds this stuff, to be able to analyze, pop open the dev tools and mess around, look under the hood.

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@bigpoppa.kput some time into this today and was unable to find a quick solution. Left a message on another forum about it but basically was looking to find a way to introduce a new feature into the account settings so you can select a standard font size of small / standard / large and then have it adjust universally according to the selection. Anyhow, will likely have to just tweak css to pull it off. Still looking into it but wanted to give you an update so you didn’t think it was being ignored. 

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  • 4 months later...

That happens to me occasionally.  Just click ok and upload again.


Happens enough that I'll tke the time to mention here that sometimes links don't automatically imbed, like I paste the link but instead of appearing in bold/underlined and then swithcing to the linked pic, it just lists the address in plain type.  If I refresh the page and then paste the link again it usually works.

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54 minutes ago, One Man Banned said:

That happens to me occasionally.  Just click ok and upload again.


Happens enough that I'll tke the time to mention here that sometimes links don't automatically imbed, like I paste the link but instead of appearing in bold/underlined and then swithcing to the linked pic, it just lists the address in plain type.  If I refresh the page and then paste the link again it usually works.

Noticed this myself. Unsure what causes it, but seems to be mainly on mobile. Was planning to look into it when I get a minute.

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