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Kanye is a genius


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1 hour ago, Dark_Knight said:

Lex is great I listen to him regularly. I’ve never heard him get that irritated before. Listening to that podcast now. Kanye says so many stupid things but there definitely are a few things he says that are legitimately profound. You just have to sift through a large amount of shit to find it.


Are we sure this isn't just a case of throwing so much shit at the wall that some of it sticks?  A broken clock is right twice a day?

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6 minutes ago, metronome said:

Are we sure this isn't just a case of throwing so much shit at the wall that some of it sticks?  A broken clock is right twice a day?


I look at it more like even in his prime, he was near impossible to follow in a conversation. He jumps around from subject, to subject so quickly I can't follow what he's really trying to say. It's like when he was first talking shit on Jews, I was like yes, we need to take notes on what they're doing to emulate that for our own success and take over. Turns out he meant it as some sort of grift to get fash support, which makes zero sense. How TF are fash going to ever have his back for real.


This man is out here literally trying to fight a war now 100% on his own, because he's popped off so much nobody really has his back. First he's like "slavery was a choice" then a few years later he's like "Kim taking away my black babies", then instead of people rallying to his support, it's crickets & giggles. I mean on one hand I know for sure dude's way smarter, and more talented than I am, and I'm 100% for non-conformity to mainstream norms. On the other hand, realistically speaking, his transition into right wing heel just makes zero cents when he should be out here increasing his dollars.


Truth be told, I'll always kinda root for Kanye low key, but at the same time that clip from the interview kinda shows how little he values surrounding himself with anything but yes men, or legit anyone that can break down the discrepancies between everyone else's perceived reality, and his. If I didn't have close friends I respect calling me on my bullshit I'd probably be designing proverbial foamposit crocs knock offs myself instead of steady rising up.

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1 hour ago, Mercer said:

Not going to lie, I thought there'd be zero chances Adidas would cut ties, giving up a quarter of billion dollars just in the first 3 months is fucking insane. Looks like Nike was wrong about not doing business with him though. Could have raked in billions, then cut ties when he did fuck up like Adidas just did for the virtue signal.


this whole thing was strictly business. kanye wanted out of this contract (it's a bad contract, he was stupid to sign it) and knew that if he just pulled out adidas would continue to sell yeezys and make tons of money off his name. being fucked either way, he came up with a way to do the most possible damage on the way out. the suicide vest option. 


here's why: if adidas is like most retailers they were already sitting on warehouses full of product and with the market being what it is they really needed strong Q4 sales that they straight up don't get now. their remaining yeezy inventory isn't worthless now, but it's close. 

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@metronomeidk right after that clip you posted he poses a pretty good argument on how media encourages black America to act in violence and be obese etc by giving the spotlight to the wrong people. His anger isn’t at Jews in general but media. And he’s just speaking out of shortsightedness and prejudice when he is labeling them as Jews. 

I don’t think he’s as awful as it’s being portrayed. He knows crass statements gets his voice heard. Maybe it’s reckless or maybe it’s strategic. I don’t think he’s genuine with his anti semetic views. 

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Whether his views are genuine or not I don't think there is any argument that enabling/promoting/encouraging this kind of stuff is wildly reckless.  If his issue is with the media and anti-blackness, call them out by name and cite them on their shit.  Otherwise this is what you get.



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6 minutes ago, Dark_Knight said:

@metronomeidk right after that clip you posted he poses a pretty good argument on how media encourages black America to act in violence and be obese etc by giving the spotlight to the wrong people. His anger isn’t at Jews in general but media. And he’s just speaking out of shortsightedness and prejudice when he is labeling them as Jews. 

I don’t think he’s as awful as it’s being portrayed. He knows crass statements gets his voice heard. Maybe it’s reckless or maybe it’s strategic. I don’t think he’s genuine with his anti semetic views. 



That's just it, it's oversimplification into "the Jews". Pretty sure I'm older than Kanye, I remember the entire fad of gangsta rap when it was just getting started, and that shit was promoted so hard there were a few years it was the only rap that survived. Even MC Hammer tried to make a comeback during this era wearing a black beanie and trying to look hard. It's kinda retarded to think gangsta rap, and other media stereotypes are a conspiracy by any group other than consumers of said entertainment. People will do whatever they think makes money period. That's why Disney, and others are capitalizing on the woke tip now. The moment Black, White, Jewish etc. individuals start thinking that genre of stereotyping is no longer profitable, they'll move on to the next thing. 

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4 minutes ago, Mercer said:



That's just it, it's oversimplification into "the Jews". Pretty sure I'm older than Kanye, I remember the entire fad of gangsta rap when it was just getting started, and that shit was promoted so hard there were a few years it was the only rap that survived. Even MC Hammer tried to make a comeback during this era wearing a black beanie and trying to look hard. It's kinda retarded to think gangsta rap, and other media stereotypes are a conspiracy by any group other than consumers of said entertainment. People will do whatever they think makes money period. That's why Disney, and others are capitalizing on the woke tip now. The moment Black, White, Jewish etc. individuals start thinking that genre of stereotyping is no longer profitable, they'll move on to the next thing. 


Point being his heart is in the right place. He acknowledges his wrong at the end of the podcast. I understand his anger. Look at how people will watch that one clip and just right it off as a giant anger podcast. He apologizes and tries to emphasize how he’s just trying to learn. Popular to hate. That’s the world we live in tho. Before I listened I was like “oh he’s a giant piece of shit for that” but he isn’t. He’s just trying to work out his thoughts in the public spotlight. 


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Can we branch off a little here and talk about whatever the fuck is going on with Killer Mike?


I read something like some one gave him a biscuit behind the big house and he's never going back to cornbread. Like he's on the same far right shit as Kanye out of spite because Candace Owens didn't share her platform with him.


C'mon bro. Your whole persona is revolution/music to riot to. 

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8 minutes ago, Dark_Knight said:


Point being his heart is in the right place. He acknowledges his wrong at the end of the podcast. I understand his anger. Look at how people will watch that one clip and just right it off as a giant anger podcast. He apologizes and tries to emphasize how he’s just trying to learn. Popular to hate. That’s the world we live in tho. Before I listened I was like “oh he’s a giant piece of shit for that” but he isn’t. He’s just trying to work out his thoughts in the public spotlight. 



I've already seen tweets going at Lex's sponsors to get them boycotted/him cancelled etc its fucking ridiculous. 

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12 minutes ago, mr.yuck said:

Can we branch off a little here and talk about whatever the fuck is going on with Killer Mike?


I read something like some one gave him a biscuit behind the big house and he's never going back to cornbread. Like he's on the same far right shit as Kanye out of spite because Candace Owens didn't share her platform with him.


C'mon bro. Your whole persona is revolution/music to riot to. 


I've been following him on Twitter for a while. I think he's trying to distance himself from Democratic Socialists, and the mainstream in general, and lean more Immortal Technique. Outside of some pro-gun posts he's still pretty far left.

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I think this is all wack.  It's some pretty genius cancel culture.  So basically or more so supposedly you have some white supremacist on a bridge agreeing with a Blackman?  A man and his pigment that is deemed non-arian.  Hmmm...  sounds like Ye 'The Cancel Culture' Genius is up to something that is about to make a lot of cucks eat their own words all while about to increase his net worth.  


Or maybe not.  But I just kinda thought it was really odd white supremacist were agreeing with a black man.  I guess Ye is about to his own line of Yeezy hoods for the kkk. 


I don't know, but if all these celebrity rants taught me anything they about to drop a movie, album, book, line of some sort...  but one thing is for certain a few months from now Ye is still gonna be hella rich.

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I listened to that lex Friedman interview on my headphones yesterday. First thing I’ve ever heard from lex. He seems like a level headed guy and made a good effort pushing back on some stuff and trying to word and reword things in a way maybe Kanye would grasp, but he was unsuccessful. 

kanye admitted to being off his meds for 2 years. He couldn’t even keep his own thoughts straight and was going off on tangents and forgetting his main point over and over. Word salad. Right at the top of the interview he says we should stop teaching history in schools but then later contradicts himself by referencing history to support his points. Lex called him on it and Kanye didn’t acknowledge. What was the bit about the CIA killing Bambi’s mom leading to people buying huge houses and clothes…. He’s a fashion designer… hypocrite ass foo. He mentioned he had a vision of utopia so then lex asked what he would do as president and after a good 20 sec delay his wonky answer is “give people a platform”. 

I think all the god/Jesus/Christian stuff may be a result of him being off those meds. How long until he slips up and says god speaks to him/he hears god?


very wild seeing this spiral all full display in real time. 


graduation still the shit tho

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