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burnout 3 runs shot for ps3... except for the music, i just have to turn it off and bump my own shit...



Ive been stuck playing Devil May Cry 4 since I copped it... would be one of the most perfect games ever made except for the SUPER ANNOYING FIGHT MALL METAL MUSYC...



"Laugh last because you came to die..."




please come out with the update that lets you play MP#s like the 360... that shit is killing me...



Whats up with awesome games having the worst music in the world

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i just got a ps3 the other month. i've only played uncharted, heavenly sword, and COD4, all fucking dope.now i can't wait for gta4, i'll get a 360 when the DLC comes out for it if it really is as big as dudes think it's going to be.

on the DS Professor layton and the curious village has been getting tons of play time, sometimes i spend like 20 minutes on one fucking puzzle, i'll be finishing this game next year.


has anyone here imported a dualshock 3 controller? i think i'm going to have to if it doesn't come out to the states before gta4.

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ohh shit.....mario galaxy for sure! super paper mario! raymans raving rabids(funny as hell) METAL SLUG ANTHOLOGY!!! what mods can you do the wii???


By mod it i mean install a modchip, so i can play burned backups. And ya, Galaxy and Paper Mario are definites. I wouldn't have thought Rayman Ravin Rabids, thanks.

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You really think so boxcars? Given, i'm not a Street Fighter head (loved II Turbo on the SNES when i was young though), but i feel this is the first game where they've finally gotten that transition right. It seems like they've brought it to the 3D world while maintaining the same gameplay, and made it look damn good.

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I don't know if this has been posted yet,even if it has it deserves to be posted again..New Street Fighter for Xbox360.





the main thing that pissed me off about the pictures of it was kens face. dude looks like a baraka from mortal kombat/ken mix with glik eyebrows in that second picture.

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also i dont know if anyone has heard much about "LEFT FOR DEAD" but it going to be fire...


first of all, its Valve. so. yea.


Team of 5 humans vs. a shitload of zombies online...


description of gameplay: (reworded by me)


basically you have to run and find somewhere to hide and board up the doors and camp out against HORDES of crazy ass zombies (running, jumping zombies, not 'bllaaaaa braaaaains' zombies) the zombies are controlled partially by AI, and partially by other players who are online...


i dunno i cant remember the rest, go look it up, its gonna be insane.

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