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Final Fantasy 7, just found this at the goodwill for 5$.perfect condition to..

i picked up lost planet and have mixed reviews, story mode is ok, lots of cool boss's and it sounds amazing on the surround sound but the multiplayer is what really let me down. For some reason its way to slow paced for me. its tough to get into after playing gow online for the last 3 months. i think im trading it in today..

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I downloaded the Crackdown demo on my friend's 360 earlier tonite and I really wasn't that impressed.


It reminded me of State of Emergency with better graphics, cars and bigger levels. Still not enough to hold my attention.


The demo for Lost Planet was aiight, though.



I haven't played State of Emergency, but I know that it is nothing like Crackdown.

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Crackdown sounds fun. El Mam, if you like that kind of destruction type stuff, try Hulk: Ultimate Destruction. It is a really fun game.


I got to play Resistance: Fall of Man on Saturday. I only played for a few minutes because I was being dragged out to a Jewish party, but I thought it kind of sucked.


The horrible AI reminded me of Killzone, and the graphics don't come close to Rainbow Six or GRAW. It was definitely "run and gun" (I prefer tactical shooters) and I kept getting stuck.


I need to get a PS3 by August, I think.

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Huh, I didn't even know about that Hulk game. I only knew about the movie tie-in game, whose demo I played, concluded that it sucked, and never paid attention to anything Hulk-related again.


I still think Lost Planet is ill as hell. Haven't yet played it on multiplayer, but the campaign gameplay reminds me of old school shooters like Contra; just balls-out shooting action, no auto-aim or hand-holding, big-ass bosses, etc. I'm on the edge of my seat every second I'm playing that game.

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This is a decent time of year. God of War, Def Jam, Rainbow Six came out recently, that Alien Homonid game is a must dl for a 360 owner...


hey, it's not a bad time to play the used game gems from the past couple of years you never got to play.


I wanna get back into the Sam & Max series on PC, plus Rome: Total War, then the new one..

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Crackdown is fucking awesome. My fear of heights actually translates into that game. I'm now 10 points away from completely mastering my agility skills (the one that allows you to jump higher) and can jump about 40 feet in the air. My explosive and brawling skills are maxed to "--". I'm sad, though, because I'm about to beat the game. I'm only playing it at the "tough" setting, the easiest one, and I will have to go back and play at a higher setting. It would be nice to have more to do than kill bad guys and do races, but it's still killer and totally worth buying. I haven't even touched multiplayer yet.


XXX, you need to start loving run-and-gunning.

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By the way, the Havok engine seems to be the engine of choice for third-person gun games. Dead Rising, Crackdown, Lost Planet, and many more--even Oblivion uses it. It's a sick engine, and a slick engine. It seems to be pretty versatile since all those games couldn't be more different, but I do sense a bit of repitition as well.



Expect to see the Unreal 3.0 engine (Epic Games) all over the place. It's already running a shitload of games, including Bio Shock, Mass Effect, Rainbox Six: Vegas, Brothers in Arms, Medal of Honor, and of course, Unreal Tournament 3 and Gears of War.

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SoA does not run on the scale of Crackdown. Compared to GTA, Crackdown is only stripped down only by way of the missions, which are limited. But it's not trying to be GTA (even though the guy who made it created GTA) and it's not just about jumping really high. It is far more complex than SoA. I haven't played SoA, but I know what it is.


No one here is saying it's got limitless depth, and there's nothing wrong with arcade games.

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gotta love them cel-shaded graphics in crackdown. a la XIII, & okami. i think it has better graphics than Saint's Row.


i can see the flaws in crackdown though. no real storyline, the controls aren't the greatest, and obviously they didn't plan on you ducking behind cover. there isn't too much strategy involved in gunfights, you can only crouch, but no real hiding behind cover, or maneuvering. maybe it's because i've played gears of war and rainbow six so that's raised my standards. basically you just power your way through and take a barrage of bullets. and 26sided is right, it is arcadey feeling. because there's no indepth story it's just "get on the street and start killing motherfuckas." which is alright by me though.

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gotta love them cel-shaded graphics in crackdown. a la XIII, & okami. i think it has better graphics than Saint's Row.


i can see the flaws in crackdown though. no real storyline, the controls aren't the greatest, and obviously they didn't plan on you ducking behind cover. there isn't too much strategy involved in gunfights, you can only crouch, but no real hiding behind cover, or maneuvering. maybe it's because i've played gears of war and rainbow six so that's raised my standards. basically you just power your way through and take a barrage of bullets. and 26sided is right, it is arcadey feeling. because there's no indepth story it's just "get on the street and start killing motherfuckas." which is alright by me though.



One thing that bugs me is when you are behind anything that's even up to your waste, you'll start hitting the wall with your gun instead of firing it. Totally stupid. It only comes in handy if you're about to accidentally bazooka the wall.


That and the fact that other than car races and running over dudes it seems like it's fucking impossible to get up your driving skills. I'm at 5 stars for everything but driving, where I'm stuck with 2.


The game definitely has a stereotypical, basic plot, and there's not much to it, but it's fun as hell. I have to say the jumping game has a lot of depth to it. They didn't just stick a dude in a GTA level and make him jump. Boss fights, infiltrations, stat points, inventory, etc is all organized around the jumping game. And there is no other game right now that I know of that lets you jump from building to building, across the city in several minutes of jumping. I think that Ultimate Spiderman allowed for webbing across an open-world city, but I dunno. The SoA comparison is just erroneous, because in that game you are given timed levels, in small areas, and you just beat down on hordes of bad guys. Crackdown is the complete opposite of SoA in that genre. I can't guarantee that you won't be bored after a couple of weeks, but I'd say there's at least that much in the game, and I heard co-op is fun.

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Hell. I'd rather mess with Marvel Ultimate alliance- and that might as well be Gauntlet.





Haha, fuck yeah! Someone else here figured out that the Marvel Alliance games are glorified versions of Gauntlet. They're still fun, though, I'm close to buying the latest one on 360.

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Haha, fuck yeah! Someone else here figured out that the Marvel Alliance games are glorified versions of Gauntlet. They're still fun, though, I'm close to buying the latest one on 360.


Fuck yeah, but Gauntlet sucks because watching some nameless wizard/warrior/elf beat up goblins for hours on end is just boring. Marvel games are basically the same format, but way more fun because I know the back-story to every level, character and power in the game.


It probably shouldn't but, to me, the backstory counts for something.


Definitely pick up Ultimate if you haven't already. The only shitty part I've found is Arcade's level- and that's because it's glitchy as shit when you have to face the boss.







edit: What's up with the forum making posts go all horizontal?

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i copped defjam icon today and i got ghost recon AW 2 today... i didn't even know it came out.


icon: i honestly think defjam fight for NY was better... not really a lot of fighting arenas in icon. there's like 7 arenas and that's it.


probably won't play ghostrecon aw2 for a while. i still haven't finished part one

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