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I have two friends who got looped into this BS. One of them convinced the other to get on board. No lookin too good!! I guess the name “stabegains” wasn’t enough of a red flag? Haha almost as bad as “Safemoon”













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For the last year I've been getting hounded by artist friends to get on the NFT train but I just don't understand it. I've read several articles and it's still not making sense. Plus, I can barely get folks to buy a sticker pack... how the hell am I gonna get someone to spend money on an NFT?? I'm trying to get them to understand that my prime is past and this kinda stuff isn't going to work for a washed up has been. 


Unless one of you can make me understand it, and understand why I should get in on it...

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From the outside, NFT's look like a lucrative scene, especially if you look at the numbers. From the inside, they're mostly an explanation where all the crypto you're trying to cash out came from, for the IRS. NFTs are kinda cringe even to a lot of crypto dudes.


The upside is you can click around on most of the NFT marketplaces yourself, and make an NFT easier than figuring out how to embed images on the old 12oz for the first time, then just drop a link for the NFT's auction on social media. 2-3 hours tops.


Artists that have already built any market for their work offline, are also having success offering their physical artwork for a crypto as a "discreet payment option". Wouldn't be surprised if there were several people following @Joker on social media right now, that suddenly low key found themselves crypto rich, and are looking to diversify their holdings so to speak.

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22 hours ago, Joker said:

For the last year I've been getting hounded by artist friends to get on the NFT train but I just don't understand it. I've read several articles and it's still not making sense. Plus, I can barely get folks to buy a sticker pack... how the hell am I gonna get someone to spend money on an NFT?? I'm trying to get them to understand that my prime is past and this kinda stuff isn't going to work for a washed up has been. 


Unless one of you can make me understand it, and understand why I should get in on it...


i've seen a lot of artist friends rush into it (and have gotten offers to join) and have wondered the same. 


the core idea—that works of art should have attribution, be able to trace ownership, and continue to generate residuals for artists—is good. people want it, especially the authentification. this is something i think blockchain has correctly identified as an issue to solve, and as an artist who is not a full time artist because i can't make a living wage doing it, residuals would help. 


but there's a lot wrong with the nft market as it is now. to my knowledge the blockchain is not truly immutable. the nft market was loaded with wash sales, and rife with art theft and plaigiarism (which is especially rich when the whole premise is authenticity and ownership). it was also allegedly about community, none of whom spoke up for people whose work was being stolen. it was clearly a hype train and loaded with scammers. lots of million-dollar "rug pulls" on projects. the warning signs were everywhere. 


the nft "aesthetic" is also really bad. obviously there are real digital artists who jumped on but lots of people uploaded algorithmically generated junk that i would never want my work anywhere near. it betrayed that "the art" wasn't meant to sell the asset, it was just about the asset going up in value forever—another flag. 


i am not ruling out participating in the future, and there are people working on how to bring NFTs back into the physical space and making them more durable as art. but i feel that a lot of art people don't understand why they should be in the space and just pumped it because it was making money. the traditional art market is broadly out of ideas and serves very few people, so it makes sense 

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I opened the dirty pillow case covering one of my single wide trailer's windows, and looked out over a lawn with over a dozen junk cars. After earning 200k a year, it's nice knowing all the money I've invested from that is still all right there, with 100% of it's scrap metal value in tact. I can even roll just as much coal on those pussy ass teslas & cyclists as when I paid for the diesel in my 12mpg truck. I swear, I almost lost another tooth laughing at those commies I remembered rolling coal on the other day.


Suddenly, a notification popped on my phone. "Yes!!! The crypto market dipped" and the warm comfort of the lord himself washed over my entire body. Knowing those dudes (that must think they're so smart) probably only earned 69x on their investments, instead of 420x for now, it's like my prayers have been answered. This is what having positive energy must feel like, but better. "Sucks to be you, libtards" I think to myself, as I close the "curtain", and celebrate with a big Texas sized hit of meth.

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Just curious do you seppos have capital gains tax?

 this is the factor that is a big nono for me on cryptocurrencies.


if you bought BTC at $1.00 back in whenever and now sold it for $45,000.00 is australia you pay tax on the $44,999. Which you'll end up paying at some point because you'll have top convert back to cash at some point which will be where your transaction gets seen.


 you get a discount of 50% if you own the appreciating asset for more than 12 months (so in example above you'd only pay 30% tax on $22,498 but that's still $6750.00.


Is there similar in the USA? how do you get around it if there is?



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32 minutes ago, Schnitzel said:

Just curious do you seppos have capital gains tax?

 this is the factor that is a big nono for me on cryptocurrencies.


if you bought BTC at $1.00 back in whenever and now sold it for $45,000.00 is australia you pay tax on the $44,999. Which you'll end up paying at some point because you'll have top convert back to cash at some point which will be where your transaction gets seen.


 you get a discount of 50% if you own the appreciating asset for more than 12 months (so in example above you'd only pay 30% tax on $22,498 but that's still $6750.00.


Is there similar in the USA? how do you get around it if there is?



Yes, we have short term gains and long term gains, similar to wherever your from.  Short term is less than one year you'll get taxed on realized gains.  Long term is if you withdraw after a year you'll get taxed (less than short term taxes). I'm not sure what the percentages are.


The way to get around this is if you move to an island called Puerto Rico (hoooooo).


BTW... just googled Seppo, you dirty bogan.

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2 hours ago, CLICKCLACKONER said:

$100 a week but it hurts. especially when it's coming from my wife's bank account. Just gotta keep reminding myself that it will pay off....eventually.


Are you?

Nah I haven’t done anything since I converted all my shit to ETH about a month ago. Gonna make a nice large HBAR buy at the end of this month and then go back to DCA BTC on the way back up. 

This has me pretty excited and kicks in June



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16 hours ago, CLICKCLACKONER said:

about to transfer eth from a defi account to another wallet.  will get I get hit with crazy gas fees?  how can I avoid this or is there a way to minimize gas fees.


I have only deposited eth and hodled.






This depends on the platform you're transferring from, and how their transactions are structured. Decentralized exchanges tend to structure this process in wildly different ways using smart contracts than are more gas hungry than normal wallet to wallet ETH transactions from like an exchange for example, into your wallet. Even if you named the platform here, I couldn't put a number on it as I've only fucked with a few, and none of them recently. I can say this, fees are at a low RN, so you might still get raped either way, but at least with low gas fees it will be a Smol PP raping your funds, as opposed to a Swol PP. I'd go ahead and line the transaction up to get a real estimate of what it costs. Sounds like it's inevitable anyway, nows probably the time to get it out of the way. 

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