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Triumph is going to destroy the 'BUSA :(


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The extreme of anything idealogicall is quite often bat shit crazy and irrational.


That's why they are called extremists.


Isn't labelling an entire gender and race by the actions of the extreme few amongst, literally the exact thing these people are often vocally opposing.


And yeah they don't get that you can't have it both ways. Division continues.


I really feel for the situation, listening to the stuff on ESPN about Kaperniki sp?.. You can't even watch football any more without taking a political stance.


If that happens to the AFL what will come of my innocent Port Power?

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gray area.


the 1st amendment guarantees free speech (I'm literally open to that page of my pocket constitution as I type this), but the supreme court has ruled that the free speech cannot be used to incite violence, which i feel the various white nationalist factions are guilty of.


they are not peacefully assembling, as demonstrated by showing up with pepper spray, knives, bats and using flag poles as weapons under the guise of patriotism...this shows intent....they are promoting hate speech which eventually leads to violent action by it's members...as demonstrated by the guy driving into counter-protesters with his Dodge Charger.


this form of hate speech should not be protected, especially by the ACLU.

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lol, I just read about the whole Kaepernick gig. What a laugh, I find it hilarious that people get so offended by some one protesting. Only a weak nation (like China, Russia and the DPRK) can't afford dissent and criticism. Strong and great countries like the US should cherish the opportunity to question itself and consider where failures may exist. That's the opportunity to become stronger. When you deny the chance to improve and develop you become rigid and brittle.


Whilst I enjoy seeing a nazi redneck copping a knuckle sanga as much as the next person, their arguments are better defeated and marginalised. Attacking them physically only draws more to their cause and allows the battle to be fought on a ground they are likely more suited to.

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gray area.


the 1st amendment guarantees free speech (I'm literally open to that page of my pocket constitution as I type this), but the supreme court has ruled that the free speech cannot be used to incite violence, which i feel the various white nationalist factions are guilty of.


they are not peacefully assembling, as demonstrated by showing up with pepper spray, knives, bats and using flag poles as weapons under the guise of patriotism...this shows intent....they are promoting hate speech which eventually leads to violent action by it's members...as demonstrated by the guy driving into counter-protesters with his Dodge Charger.


this form of hate speech should not be protected, especially by the ACLU.


Would it not be better to let the march go ahead and then prosecute them for hate speech and whatnot? Honest question.


I'm not completely up on the details but were there solid grounds to say that the march could not go ahead because there were clear intentions to incite violence?

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Meh to all of this? At least in America, people are very unclear on what things such as freedom and justice actually mean and are more driven by what they think it means, which does cause problems.


Re: the driver at that protest, I would wager that he is at best a fringe member of the alt right people, have to imagine that they were unaware of his intentions and that he leans more toward being the lone wolf type, but we'll see as they develop details.


Interesting note with the media on what they will/will not show or cover. Feel like there's an overall tendency now toward showing more violent acts committed by others, like in the last few vehicle related incidents in the U.S. or elsewhere I notice them putting up multiple pics of people bouncing off the car, kind of fucked up in a sense, especially for the victims/family members. Not stuff they would show on TV or on the cover of the news before. But they still won't show beheadings and such.

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It's just constant hypocrisy. I can't keep up.


I see you can't sell boys and girls shoes now without being labelled sexist, bloody Clark's should know better than selling shoes specifically for one gender.


I'm overwhelmed.


Even those bastard right wing pigs at the New York Times... Wait what?




Forgive the source.

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Would it not be better to let the march go ahead and then prosecute them for hate speech and whatnot? Honest question.

I'm not completely up on the details but were there solid grounds to say that the march could not go ahead because there were clear intentions to incite violence?


My personal opinion is to let them have their rallies and marches without trying to shut them down...dont even show up to protest...just ignore them... The only reason they get the media coverage they do is because of the counter protesters and the violence that ensues because the counter protesters show up....i saw them as a small group of no more than a couple hundred (if that) and they wouldnt have gotten much coverage especially with the whole N. Korea and Russian collusion thing going on....instead, counter protesters can work by urging politicians to denounce the groups and working with other groups to prosecute them if their speeches cause specific acts of violence....for example, Tom Metzger's white aryan resistance publication and his white nationalist group got sued by an ethiopian mother with the help of the southern poverty law center when her son got killed in portland because of Metzger's hate message....he defended himself in court and lost millions...end result: the end of his organiztion...hit them where it really hurts...their pocket books.


even with the clear intentions of inciting violence, the march would go on anyways....no officials would want to be labeled as anti first amendment.




But the aclu has protected the rights of violent groups like antifa. So it's not that grey from over here. We know where antifa protest businesses are damaged and people are assaulted.


agreed!...i feel like antifa and more specifically the black bloc do more harm than good for a movement....they essentially hijack peaceful and meaningful protests....oakland, ferguson, seattle, etc etc....then the media does nothing but show the videos of them breaking out starbucks windows over and over again...which gives people on the right ammunition because they can now say: "see how these protesters are acting"...rather than work for meaningful change.



Interesting note with the media on what they will/will not show or cover. Feel like there's an overall tendency now toward showing more violent acts committed by others, like in the last few vehicle related incidents in the U.S. or elsewhere I notice them putting up multiple pics of people bouncing off the car, kind of fucked up in a sense, especially for the victims/family members. Not stuff they would show on TV or on the cover of the news before. But they still won't show beheadings and such.


agreed!..violent media coverage gets them more viewers, and then more ads, and then more money....but if they show too much violence (beheadings etc) people will complain to the fcc, less viewers, less ads, less revenue....its a sick and twisted balancing act.

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Also, by the by, what do you consider the alt right to be, OMB?


I don't consider it to be much of anything, same shit as before, different packaging? When I heard the news of the protest it was described as an alt-right protest, maybe they are calling it something else now that shit happened and people are trying to distance themselves from it? Either way, that was why I used the term.

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Do have to laugh a little at some of these guys. Did not want to lend much attention to the repeated media coverage, specifically the repeated airing of people getting injured or trying to manage the trauma of it all with little in the way of news to go with it, but did briefly watch Vice News last night for a few minutes. They had some guy, guess he came down there to be the leader of hate and all so they were following/interviewing him, he's taking about being tough, working out, he's ready for physical violence, gun violence, etc. Anyhow, dude gets maced on 2 separate occasions and can't handle it, was an lol moment as he poured milk over his head to try to stop the burn. Fucking people getting in line for something they're not prepared to handle, lolz.

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I don't understand why people are getting so worked up over Trump saying that the left were also to blame for violence on the weekend. To condemn the KKK/Nazi values is one thing that must and (finally) has occurred. But to ignore the violence of the left, I don't get why people are turning a blind eye to that. I mean, I really loved seeing that dude running from the news conference he called (and getting tackled by a chick!!) but still, you can't condemn the thuggery of one side and not the other.

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Well the killing caused shock/outrage and people are firmly linking that with all of the right, so people are tipping the scales in that direction. Before any of that happened, the one thing missing from all of the news coverage is who among the protestors threw the 1st punch/shove whatever. Clearly in media coverage you can see both sides engaged at various points. Not sure America is yet ready to handle the concept that there is also an extreme left even though it has definitely shown itself in the past.

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