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Bombing Or Murals??


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Bombing in my opinion is what's making the community think of graffiti as more of vandalism than a work of art. There isn't anything wrong with bombing but murals is what brings out the true meaning of graffiti. I would say that bombing is more vandalism than murals.


What do u dorks out there think??



Bob Marley is King


AE..Abnormal Erections

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Guest jeff123456







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I prefer both-I like going out and destroying things with tags and throws but I also like spending hours on a piece or a production with whoever-if it gets dissed or buffed-fuck it....as long as I get a picture I could care less.I just like painting.

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Originally posted by 455

I prefer both-I like going out and destroying things with tags and throws but I also like spending hours on a piece or a production with whoever-if it gets dissed or buffed-fuck it....as long as I get a picture I could care less.I just like painting.

hell yeah.

bombing, legals, illegals, commisions, rollerhits, trains, wheatpasting... it doesn't matter.

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its all about balance.. tag shit up on the way to a wall, do your peice, and bomb with your leftover paint on the way back :dazed:


bombing is "more vandalism"? just because it isnt as complex doesnt mean it's not as valid as an art form.. bombs, throwies and handstyles are what you make of them.

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Guest try me.

i got into graff because of the anti media approach of bombing, but i see bolth artists and bombers needing

to unite to keep graff strong.

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who gives a shit... .no matter how complex it is the "public" is gonna look at it and say that it looks like shit..so who gives a fuck....its goona be buffed the next day so your not gonna have anything to show for your time and effort....so BOMB THE FUCK OUT OF YOUR CITY who cares what the public thinks

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here's the problem


see bombing is the best without it graff just doesn't exist...our problem is kids who go out and nail everything in site with their trash tags and cause graff to have a bad name...etching small store front windows is a good example of what I am speeking of.When this ends the "vandal squads" will have no business because the truth is nobody cares about piece spots or chill spots whatever you call them and nobody cares about bombing on most shit out side as long as location is correct. Maybe I'am hard to understand but I think that alot of the guys in this for a while understand what I'am saying after a while one get's a sense as to what is good to bomb and what will just get people heated at graff...


sorry but thats my opinion

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graffiti is graffiti vandalism is vandalism.


people do not like their things to be written on no matter what, if its pretty or ugly.


i prefer bombing over everything. e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g. what better feeling is there than being on top of some big ass rooftop and finishing your outline? nada.

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dank you are absolutely right

and as long as you want to do rooftops and what not you'll be fine but when some idiot in your town decieds he is going to get etch and "wreck shit" it's going to become harder for you to do those rooftops get me?

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wtf...legal walls are not the true essence of graff......anyone who does graff just to be an art nerd and do legals isnt a true writer....you gotta bomb...thats wat its all about.......theres no risk to doing legal shit all the time.....bombing gets your blood pumping.....you get more props from a throwie on the side of a billboard then a legal peice...go ahead and hate on this if u want

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Guest blood as ink

i enjoy bombing more...murals are nice but they're too perfect.i like seeing things that weren't ment to be perfect...it shows more charecter in my mind.i enjoy it all but i seem to enjoy the simpliar stuff more.

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The way I see it is that once I do a piece, mural or not, it's gone in a matter of days...maybe that's the nature and essence of graffiti - it's fleeting.

Why be attached either way...

If it's the 'art' that's so precious - do it on a canvas. And if you want memories of your pieces - take flicks.

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i just love the western sydney style,there pieces but there not a mural kinda thing,they dont have more than about 4 colours and there fuckin all ocer the place!!! rooftops!freight trains!panels! fuckin everywhere!!


but nuthin beats a faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarkin massiveblocky:D

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Guest emothug
Originally posted by aret

Bombing in my opinion is what's making the community think of graffiti as more of vandalism than a work of art. There isn't anything wrong with bombing but murals is what brings out the true meaning of graffiti. I would say that bombing is more vandalism than murals.


What do u dorks out there think??



Bob Marley is King


AE..Abnormal Erections

your a fucker!!
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Guest emothug

Re: here's the problem


Originally posted by retard

see bombing is the best without it graff just doesn't exist...our problem is kids who go out and nail everything in site with their trash tags and cause graff to have a bad name...etching small store front windows is a good example of what I am speeking of.When this ends the "vandal squads" will have no business because the truth is nobody cares about piece spots or chill spots whatever you call them and nobody cares about bombing on most shit out side as long as location is correct. Maybe I'am hard to understand but I think that alot of the guys in this for a while understand what I'am saying after a while one get's a sense as to what is good to bomb and what will just get people heated at graff...


sorry but thats my opinion

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bout bombin


if you think bombing isnt graff your an ignorant bastard! that is how graff

was started with people marking their names. if you wanna be a pussy

and just do legals and murals thats cool, but dont knock bombin or some

real graff heads will knok your fuckin head off. if you dont get up illegally

then ive got no respect for you! but shit just do what you want to do,thats just my opinion...............................!

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Guest --->NEKS
There isn't anything wrong with bombing but murals is what brings out the true meaning of graffiti



is this kid kidding? "the true meanign of graffiti" LMAO......bombng is the foundation of graffiti,if yu dont bomb, you dont write.



Legal pieces and murals may be beautiful and all that,but it isnt graffiti and it doesnt make you a graffiti writer.


and please explain to me the true meaning of graffiti......

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yeah to be honest, no one gives two shits really about if it really looks good.... those art fags are too pussy to bomb, but bombers arent to pussy to paint legals. art is just an excuse for destruction i think most of us can agree on that... plus even if the situation is hot, thats even better cause if you pullsomething off really hot, you beat the system again.

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strike that, reverse it


Originally posted by graffsurgeon

..the true meaning to graffiti is destruction..the artsy shit just comes along with it.


hence I don't ever get along with writers, dont get me wrong - Its up to you

but I personally have that in reverse


and dont give me that "youre a pussy" bullshit, I bomb too, but it has less meaning for me - mind you, who says it cant be bombing AND artsy?

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