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freights fr8s freights......


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Guest Graff Jesus
Originally posted by blahblahblah

the red one on the hopper=the kind of thing i wouldn't notice as "graffiti", but more a train logo or something. and you know what that means? "oh shit, i think i just painted over someone."


i don't have a problem with it, but to people like me+dark spots=mistake.


he's really asking for someone to use those "pieces" as a background. keep that shit on a wall....in your backyard. i wouldn't think once about going over something like that. like nike says, i'd just do it.


bump for pier/arys/46er/1shot.


dope awe freight too, although it's been posted before a couple of times.

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Originally posted by ese

tell your friend on ICQ to give credit where credit is due...all but two of those photos were straight jacked from my site. www.jumex.org/~nbf


if people wanna link to my photos I got no problem with that, but link to the site or somthing. dont claim them as your own.


thats interesting i was told that he caught them all....sorry bout that ese...i had no idea.....

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Originally posted by fr8burner


thats interesting i was told that he caught them all....sorry bout that ese...i had no idea.....


no problem...I know there was no bad intention on your part. The Diem pieces (which I'm really feeling) and the twist hollow are not mine, but the rest is from the site.

I have no problem with folks using those flix either...link away...but when they pop up on other websites as flix that somone submitted I start to get annoyed. Thats the price you pay I guess....



oh, and tonight I will be unleashing www.nothingbutfreights.com on the unsuspecting public...so be prepared. When its up and running expect a big post on the bench. I'm just doing some last minute stuff right now.

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Originally posted by enueone

it's funny cuz when i started messing around with sharp vectors and stuff like that in my digital work, i took it from the details of fillin's i'd do in pieces...


i wonder if diem is also a web nerd designer like i am..heh...


not a nerdy type dude. but hes into webdesign.

works in flash 5, designs some dope ass fliers and shit like that.

i would post his site and the fliers, but they give a little more information than i want to be responsible for, yea, they made the fliers, but i would be the one posting them here.

so no.

i think new diem is doing a good thing with collaborating the computer world in with the graffiti world.

reminds me of how www.truc.sk had writers and hackers cast in the same light, heres a quote:


The main aim of graffiti is to proliferate one's name. Similarly to hackers who understood the computer system and internet, writers also understood the system of trains and cities and travel around the world. Their goal is not to destroy, but to penetrate into the system and leave a message, tag, sign ... Bring one's existence into the open and become famous. For these aspects of competitiveness, prestige combating and "ego tickling" is graffiti mostly male affair.

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word..i didn't mean "nerd" as in pencil pushin geek nerd..but more like "i use flash and photoshop alot" type nerd which isn't a bad thing at all....


lately i've been trying to not incorporate graf in my design just to get into using different shit, but it's definitly fresh..i dunno..i'm just getting more into grid systems and justifying every element i use..layin off the eye candy for a while...


i dunno if you've seen this...


but check out 123klan.com

it's a fresh mix of graf and design..rocked by scien and klor from france...

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