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If you have a bushy beard, guess what, YOU'RE A FUCKING FAILURE!!

Hua Guofang

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You have a wife and eat brunch in a cafe surrounded by hipsters, you my friend failed before you even started this hateful nonsensical thread.


Could it be that all your life you have longed for the ability to enjoy the hairs on your chinny chin chin? and in a world rife with manly men with beards to their toes and goatees of gold you lack the testosterone levels to muster a millimeter of hair from that acne ridden fast food loving skin of yours? did your wife perhaps say she liked a man with a beard and thus began this torrid affair of misguided hate, perhaps your father had a beard and as a child mocked you for your slender shape and skinny arms, emasculating you from the beginning? I understand you dislike people but their lives do not affect you, your live yours and they live theirs, that's all there is to it. You may be a complete and total idiot but i do not let it ruin my day, I smile much like everyone in forest gump and let you get on with it.


I'm sure i could start a thread in which we all sit down and discuss the many reasons you decided to take 30-45 minutes of your day to not post anything remotely new, challenging, engaging or at all humorous but instead create a four page orgy of retarded comments misguided views and uninteresting jibba jabba. We could discuss why you are not interesting, we could move on to where this life of failure began and then somewhere along the lines we may find the definitive moment you decided to be a hater.


look inwards brother and you will find peace.


PS. Muslims and any other beardy religious purpose is the same as people doing it cos its cool. Contradictions. Everywhere.


PPS. Except vikings, that is a symbol of "I will pillage and rape your life". Which is pretty cool.


I fail because I'm married and ate a meal in a cafe?! Hahaha...., rightio!


You, my friend, take this thread far more seriously than myself, which is nice, thank you. But I do like how you pillory me for writing a long post talking about how other people's ideas annoy me and you, in response write a long post trying to make me change my ideas....., and then try and convince us that you're nothing like me!!


Hahaha, nice one, mate!!





PS, you seem to miss the fact that I don't care about beards at all, that it's about the influence of fashion trends that I was discussing. As a matter of fact, I have a lazy old beard now myself, yay!!


But thanks for playing anyway ;)

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you asked how doing shit like that raised money, and i answered.



thats it thats all, i dont care to read your assinine viewpoints on everything.


i actually feel sorry for you, that youve got to live your life on a daily basis with such a condescending attitude towards every little thing.


lay off the booze bro.


And you can't get those "pledges" from the same people without having to dress up in pink yoga pants and running a fake race?

Like I said though, how much does it cost to throw one of these marathons?

And don't you think that money could be better spent on actual donations without having to play dress-up and run a fake race?

And you feel sorry for me?

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Pink shit, mustaches and marathons are to raise awareness as much as to raise money.


More awareness = more donations.


How the fuck do pink beards raise awareness for cancer?


If somebody's not even aware of the fact that the reason why your shit is pink in the first place has something to do with cancer, then they're not going to gain that knowledge by seeing you.

If they are aware that that's what it's for, then they're already in the know and don't need to be made aware.


Sorry, but that beard dye and money spent on pink sneaks could be better spent actually donating to cancer research or whatever your cause is.

Same goes for the money spent to throw those marathons.

You're basically just spending money to preach to the choir, and making them spend money to show their solidarity in something that could have better used said wasted money.

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The pledges don't run. You run and they pay you to do so. You are raising money to give to an organization independently more or less. I have given plenty to family and friends who do these runs as they get the general public thinking about it and in turn donating themselves. I don't run as I've got the knees of a ninety year old from jumping off too many high things as a teen and can't run more than a KILOMETER.


The same with the mustaches in November. I, and I assume most, don't think about prostate cancer regularly if ever (aside from those of you getting the doctors finger of approval yearly), and that makes me think "oh shit, I don't want cancer in my ass" so I'll donate to further understanding, find treatments, and hopefully cure whatever afflictions people want to do fundraising for.


And the vast majority of the people involved in these kinds of benefits are doing so for free or as volunteers on their days off (talking about police and paramedics etc at marathons) because they are not so down on the world that they need to get payed to do something good.



Then why do they have to "sponsor" somebody to run instead of just donating the cash anyways?


And if you think the cops and paramedics who are working these events are doing so for free, I think you're probably naive.

Actually, I kind of doubt that's even legal.

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Wondering right now if it's worth bothering to explore why DAO is angry at people that raise money for cancer research and more importantly, mental health - which I'm sure one day he will benefit from advancements in this area.


If you actually read what I said, you'd see that I'm not mad at people raising money for cancer research at all. And was questioning why people actually waste money on these silly marathons and pink beard dye instead of just giving THAT money towards cancer research.


But I guess you're illiterate too.

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If you actually read what I said, you'd see that I'm not mad at people raising money for cancer research at all. And was questioning why people actually waste money on these silly marathons and pink beard dye instead of just giving THAT money towards cancer research.


But I guess you're illiterate too.


Nope. You were getting angry about people raising awareness and thereby raising more money for charity. The very fact that the only person in this thread that brought up a 'pink marathon' was you, shows that even the most cynical self absorbed narcissists on the planet has been MADE AWARE, due to the flamboyance and enthusiasm behind such a campaign.


Hurrah to you for dispelling your own myths and inherently agreeing with all of us that this is a much better way of raising awareness than just door knocking people and begging for money.


See, you DO get it!



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I fail because I'm married and ate a meal in a cafe?! Hahaha...., rightio!


You, my friend, take this thread far more seriously than myself, which is nice, thank you. But I do like how you pillory me for writing a long post talking about how other people's ideas annoy me and you, in response write a long post trying to make me change my ideas....., and then try and convince us that you're nothing like me!!


Hahaha, nice one, mate!!





PS, you seem to miss the fact that I don't care about beards at all, that it's about the influence of fashion trends that I was discussing. As a matter of fact, I have a lazy old beard now myself, yay!!


But thanks for playing anyway ;)


yes, you fail because you are married and eat brunch in a cafe full of hipsters. I'm not writing to make you change your ideas, I'm not american. I don't expect the rest of the world to eat my shit and called it chocolate. I just like asking why, and I wonder why a man decides to get married and then instead of enjoying brunch and a nice morning with his wife comes home to rant about kids on the internet. you cannot and never will have enough influence on this world to change a single thing, you and your life are irrelevant in the grand scheme of things, much like this thread and even this entire forum.


so i was just asking what happened to you? why you dislike large beards and my conclusion is you are just a hater, but oh no no you have a beard? oh you shaved it? you are no different or better, you are boring. if you had put this much effort into a post about something you found happiness in this thread would probably have gotten interesting. But no you are just a cynical man past his prime stuck with a woman and not too sure what the hell happened to your life.


ps. if you had been just discussing trends and fashion you would have, you just moaned about beards and thought you were writing like Chomsky to set us free from the influence of beards and hipsters. The influence of fashion is there to make people feel better about themselves and those with a brain will create themselves and set themselves apart from the trend following sheep by using the fashions of either current, past or even future times to achieve this. where as others will just blindly follow because they lack the free thinking originality of those they hate and despise as they are different.


There is about as much use arguing a trend as there is arguing against homosexuality. The shit will always be there long before and long after your minuscule life.


tldr; you are married, hate kids and the way they look, think you have something to say, your mums your dad. calm the fuck down and find something worth doing.

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Nope. You were getting angry about people raising awareness and thereby raising more money for charity. The very fact that the only person in this thread that brought up a 'pink marathon' was you, shows that even the most cynical self absorbed narcissists on the planet has been MADE AWARE, due to the flamboyance and enthusiasm behind such a campaign.


Hurrah to you for dispelling your own myths and inherently agreeing with all of us that this is a much better way of raising awareness than just door knocking people and begging for money.


See, you DO get it!






No, I said that preaching to the choir does nothing at all to raise awareness, and instead wastes money that could have been better spent in donations to said charities.


But please keep going on about how you had no awareness that cancer even existed until you saw Forest Gump run past you in pink Nike's and a Muslim beard.

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No, I said that preaching to the choir does nothing at all to raise awareness, and instead wastes money that could have been better spent in donations to said charities.


But please keep going on about how you had no awareness that cancer even existed until you saw Forest Gump run past you in pink Nike's and a Muslim beard.


You are right DAO. You should call the heads of Nike, Ford, and GE and tell them they


are fucking idiots for ever spending money on advertising. People should automatically know about


those products either way.



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