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Graffiti Vid of the year!


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nah man you need to regrip on your outlook at graffiti.


graffiti is not about terrorized gangbangs graffiti is about being slick. all that shit kills the art of a dope spot, or a sneaky tag.

be ninjas not goons


graffiti should be done on the sly, this is a key component to the art of the graffiti and i aint talkin style when i use that word as i reffrain as much as possible from using the 'a' word when speaking on our culture. im talkin the makeup of elements that create and generate dope graff as in say 'the art of a box car.

be a ninja, dont showboat while painting. fuck yea merica/canada?


the designing elements to the outside world and aswell as the designing and designers of say, the box car. they are rectangular in shape, why? because that is the most efficient for transporting products to maximize the square footage. they are made of heavy steel, why? because they carry thousands of lbs of products over long stretches of travel exposed to all of earths weather conditions. they travel on round wheels as opposed to SQUARE ONES, why? because that is how they travel efficiently. the engineers designing freight systems decades ago that have not made barely any adjustments, decades later, because they are designed for EFFICIENCY.

trains are big and rectangle

now, the irony here is that we as graffiti writers see the art in them for a variety of components unseen to the passer by.


we, see the art of rust. a sign of age, a sign of travel, a sign of longevity because we want our shit to ride. we, see the art of a company's branding. because we see beauty in either the rarity/obscurity of the car or on the flipside the magnitude of abundance of said car because we, want our shit to ride and we know it will on these cars. we see the art of color, because we want our shit to pop while it rides and adjust the color(s) we apply to coincide with that cars color. etc etc etc

snakes on a train


same goes with the art, of graffiti cuz to me. that word aint got nothin to do with the graff itself its got everything to do with the graff itself and this is just bad news to me and anyone on this olderistic wavelength and/or(hopefully) the newer kids maybe reading this and perhaps taking some ownership in what im speaking.

a lot of young writers need to stop being douches


breaks down like this: graff should be made up of like 60% style/originality, 10% pop, 10% application(color/medium/overallappeal), and like 20% spot on a whole and changes in percentage for every writer, for every spot, every tag, every piece, everytime for everything due to enviroment.



all that graffiti gangbang bullshit is dumb. it heats the fuck outta graff, graff scenes and graff spots and/or mediums(passenger cars etc). it creates stiffer penalties for everyone else that been doin it for years and still be doin it for years long after these idiots balyclava'd up 12deep hostage taking live subway cars for a train buffed within 24hr on principle alone and youtube fame from a buncha people without value or citizenship card for the culture and ANY GROUP OF 12 IDIOTS WITH A VIDEO CAMERA CAN GO OUT AND DO THIS ON ANY GIVEN DAY WITH ANY GIVEN AMMOUNT OF "SKILL" OR LACK THERE OF.

tagbangers/violent revenge/tribal war is dumb in the graff scene and makes for harsher law penalties.


gimmie a two color sneaky stock cap scratch fill straight letter rooftop kiddie corner to a ground level heat spot any day of the week a 1000x over 12 fucktards in skimasks literally holding up an entire commuter FULL of wallets/credit cards/jewlery and electronics to paint graffiti?

its the little things in life


the same graffiti i preech so highly about? yeah, they pussy to me. and they stupid.


and they fuckin it up for everyone else, the fuck outta here with that shit.



i think...


my mind is blown at the lack of misspelled or made up words in COS's post

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I think the Euros have taken bombing to the next level too. Those whole car gangbangs where 12 dudes cover a whole side in 4 mins flat.


As much love as I have for the sheer gangsterness that Euro's and Aussies go through to straight brody trains, why does it always have to come out looking like it was done by a 5th grade girls scout troop?

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