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And if you don't know how to do this... It is easiest to rip a towel or sheet, make rope or a "line" out of the threads of fiber woven together, then if you have a battery, tie that on one end to use as a weight when tossing the line under the crack of your cell, or through a grate if you're able to fish between tiers... Tie the other end to the corner of your bunk, and through some trial and error you should be able to "fly kites," (send notes) and contraband between cells while isolated. Also, learning sign language is a necessity because if you're unable to fly a kite, this might be your only means of communication.



Bird baths are also of utmost importance when serving time in isolation, or during times of lock down when they cut water to the block due to riots, violence or merely as punishment.

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This could actually be a very helpful thread for many of you who could share actual experience. I believe there was some old train hopper on here who used to tell extremely detailed accounts of his time spent in jail/prison. One particularly disturbing story was when he obtained MDMA and ended up performing fellatio on his cellmate but stood by his belief that it was justified and he was still straight. Ha!

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as somebody pretty unlikely to end up inside what's the deal with pen and paper in jail?


if you're in for some time can you get paper etc? or is it some sort of "rationed for good behaviour" type stuff?


Golf pencils and half sheets of 8 1/2"X11" re-purposed paper at least at the jail level.


A pen is pretty hard to get, knew a writer that got one from the nurse and used the ink to lay down a tag that looked like it was done with one of those super wide otg markers, was pretty impressive.

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fucking login timeout made a very long awesome list disappear. so heres a much shorter simpler version.



top things i learned during my government funded and supported stay.



use bed sheets as private bathroom separators.


courtesy flush during, between, and after all deuce dropping.


styrofoam cups. earbuds. surround fucking sound.


mufungo is very appealing.


always remain cool. even if you ain't.


be VERY, very weary on who you choose to rap with on a daily.


jail niggas are shady. never let broke people know you got books money.


if your cellmate sucks. either deal with it. work shit out. or act fast for a cell change.


EVERYTHING TAKES FOREVER IN JAIL. know this and remember it. if theres anything you want to happen in a timely fashion act on it consistently.


if you are poor. and have any skills whatesoever. be it rap sprays, writing letters, drawing or cutting fades, or even speaking different languages. someone. somewhere, in the confines will pay you commissary collateral.


hang tuff. but not too tuff. jail niggas can sense that shit.


you ain't shit in jail. so just be easy.


shower in the evening if you can. waters always warmer imo and things just feel a bit more at ease.


books money goes a long way.


but most of all. just remain easy and read a lot of fucking books or whatever you can get yer hands on.

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