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korny 2012


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Très cynical. Who cares how it's happening as long as it is. Those couple of dollars being sent over there must be doing at least some good. Who cares if you feel annoyed because some moron is acting smug about donating. At least he did.


Also, In the video I was lead to think (maybe I wasn't paying enough attention) that the Kony guy had a standing army of 30,000. I don't know if it's been said yet but the guy has 250 soldiers at the moment and isn't in Uganda. Just thought that was a little misleading.



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Re: kony 2012


In your mind making this post is probably the equivalent of throwing bags of rice out of the back of red cross truck as it moves from african village to african village. The entire continent is probably rising out of poverty as you hit reply. With the imaginary africa in your mind nourished and safe, your white guilt subsides, you've convinced yourself you're a good person, and you can finally go back to watching cougar town.




Actually, in my mind making that post, I was just telling you what an annoying jackass you are.

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ch0 political convo turned personal attack people


ohh emm gee, this has never happened before...











lol jks.


kony 2012 is already dropping off, in a few days everyone will be on the next band-wagon. might as well be trend-setters and kick it off.




stop intellectual plagiarism! HITLER 2012!

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social media is everywhere all the time. people live their entire lives on it. they post everything no matter how inconsequential. then a video like this kony thing comes along, so people share it the same way they share pics of dogs on a surfboard. its how things are shared these days. its just 'life'. yet some of y'all want to make it sound like doing so is seen as some grand gesture by people. no, its just the way we communicate now in 2012. 10 years ago it would have been a link on live journal or friendster.


some of y'all are so blinded by your fear of who-knows-what that you literally can't just accept that someone can believe something is wrong without devoting their whole life to it. of course if they do devote their whole life to it (like the people behind this film) you call them hipster faggots.


hipster, by definition, is someone who hops onto whatever is cool at the moment. devoting 10 years to traveling around the world trying to help people is not really a hipster activity. sitting around complaining about what other people are doing is some hipster shit. only 'hipsters' i see in this thread are those who are doing nothing but hating on other people for showing any amount of interest.


this whole thing, regardless of its success, is a social experiment. it might be dumb that someone share it on fb and think that makes a difference, but within 2 days just about everyone that you know who uses the internet knows who this guy is. they succeeded in bringing awareness. will that get cony arrested? who knows, but they did exactly what they set out to do, make him a household name.


what did you do that matters?

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thats liek immortal teknigue right????


In terms of a more legit response, the genocide and overall situation in Africa in terms of civil war, child soldiers, etc. certainly deserves attention. It's sad that the media does not properly cover it, but if you really want to raise awareness and make a difference, that is the route that inevitably has to be taken.


The Facebook bandwagon is cheapening. Okay, cool, you've made it clear that people are aware of the issue...but granted 90 percent of them are clicking "like" and then logging off and forgetting about it. That includes people who are throwing on a shirt and jumping around shrieking for a video.


Not to mention that the guy making this video has NO business making promises to a child that has been exploited and hurt beyond anything he can fathom that they will stop Kony with no question...call me a cynic, but I find that overly optimistic and unfair.


If Kony is found, it will be because of a local informant...not because some Williamsburg or San Francisco transplant made a video and collected some Facebook followers.


If you don't agree, cool, call me retarded for not getting it "how it really is."

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some of y'all are so blinded by your fear of who-knows-what that you literally can't just accept that someone can believe something is wrong without devoting their whole life to it. of course if they do devote their whole life to it (like the people behind this film) you call them hipster faggots.


hipster, by definition, is someone who hops onto whatever is cool at the moment. devoting 10 years to traveling around the world trying to help people is not really a hipster activity.


people aren't calling the guys that made the film hipsters. the hipsters are dumb whores like this


that think they're actually putting a stop to kony by posting a 1 facebook update or tweet.

i haven't seen anything on tumblr recently or facebook, so it looks like people have already moved on.

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Maybe chuck a few dollars towards the forty thousand odd Americans committing suicide each year?


Drug deaths in America now outnumber traffic deaths - worthy to donate funds to that?


Isn't there somewhere in the neighbourhood of a million Americans living homeless? I know in Australia the homeless population is far more likely to see an early grave, than those who are living in a home.


Someone said that more money has been donated to this privately than what was donated during the Katrina disaster? What the fuck is wrong with this picture? (I have no idea if it was true, but it was on ch.0


Mow your own lawn before you tell the bloke down the street to trim his hedge.

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social media is everywhere all the time. people live their entire lives on it. they post everything no matter how inconsequential. then a video like this kony thing comes along, so people share it the same way they share pics of dogs on a surfboard. its how things are shared these days. its just 'life'. yet some of y'all want to make it sound like doing so is seen as some grand gesture by people. no, its just the way we communicate now in 2012. 10 years ago it would have been a link on live journal or friendster.


some of y'all are so blinded by your fear of who-knows-what that you literally can't just accept that someone can believe something is wrong without devoting their whole life to it. of course if they do devote their whole life to it (like the people behind this film) you call them hipster faggots.


hipster, by definition, is someone who hops onto whatever is cool at the moment. devoting 10 years to traveling around the world trying to help people is not really a hipster activity. sitting around complaining about what other people are doing is some hipster shit. only 'hipsters' i see in this thread are those who are doing nothing but hating on other people for showing any amount of interest.


this whole thing, regardless of its success, is a social experiment. it might be dumb that someone share it on fb and think that makes a difference, but within 2 days just about everyone that you know who uses the internet knows who this guy is. they succeeded in bringing awareness. will that get cony arrested? who knows, but they did exactly what they set out to do, make him a household name.


what did you do that matters?


I have no problem with journalists who devote ten years of their lives to ANY topic. That to me shows dedication, but at what point in that video does it sound like you're donating to him as a not-for-profit filmmaker? Where does he just go "Hey, I just make films. Give me some money so I can continue to bring you news from africa." No he says, "Give me money so we can stop the bloodshed in uganda and arrest kony."


Here's where I have a problem with this guy: He CLAIMS to have spent 1/3 of $8+ million in proceedsto making films, but all of the footage in that video came from 2004. In fact, he wants you to donate to Uganada 2004. Kony and the LRA since then have been pushed back to fucking Somalia. He's not even in Uganda. THe guy in the video says nothing about the social change in the last eight years. That would be like showing you pictures of New York from 9/11 and NOTHING ELSE, then telling you in 2010 to donate to me so I can help make videos about Bin Laden because that's going to change things for New Yorkers....


Then you have another 1.4 million spent this year on salaries for their board, which they say is so few people that they cant apply for a better business bureau certificate or whatever.


And maybe I just dont get this because I think social media websites are a waste of time and don't use google+, facebook, none of them. To that tune I think 12oz is a big fucking waste of time too, yet ive been here on and off for the last ten years, but I don't come on here to be social. I come on here because for whatever reason this is the only place I find people who like to talk about things that I find important.


My biggest gripe from all this isnt even the filmmaker turned wannabe LRA assassin. I fucking hate how mindless and yet obligatory facebook has become to anyone's social life. You have to keep a facebook page fully stocked of new photos of you living some park/club life. If you have 800 friends on facebook, you're instantly attractive to girls. If you dont have a facebook page at all they think you're a weirdo. A whole lot of weirdness comes out through that website and everyone seems to forget why that may be: It was invented by a dude with no social skills and autism who needed to build a machine that would run his social life.

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