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korny 2012


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Re: kony 2012


i'm not trying to argue the merit of how IC intends to deal with this.


in a way its passing the buck, but this is a new medium for voicing dissent/concern/etc. i'm not trying to make you retype all your arguments from the crossfire thread, so i'll just say that we disagree on the value of reposting/retweeting and publicly expressing an interest or approval of something.


there is a reason google tailors ads to folks based on their emails/searches/g+ accounts. the amount of info that will come from the kony 2012 campaign will be astonishing and maybe future causes can learn how better to use and manipulate the hive mind.

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Re: kony 2012


I can't believe this thread is on page 8 and nobody photoshopped some DAO on this nurga Kony or that pic with dude and the AK's. 12oz I am disappoint.


Awareness to different situations and peoples struggles is always important and that video has opened peoples eyes to a situation that most people had no idea was even occurring. However, we live in a society where people move on very quickly (is this the antithesis of viral videos?)


Personally, I feel that if motherfuckers really want to "make the world a better place" this starts at a grass roots community level and grows. Work with people around you, start helping less fortunate people in your city and move forward.

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Re: kony 2012


There's a number of things that irritated me just a tiny bit.***

How are people so trapped in their own bubbles where they need to see this in order for them to realize the world might be a little worse in places other than their parent's basement?***

You'd think if these people genuinely***

gave a shit about global corruption they'd have said something before this video was posted. 99% of the people who shared this video on my newsfeed are the ones who were also the first people to report about Kim Kardashians Wedding/Divorce and share up to the second reports on the Superbowl. I had a hard time believing they actually cared about anything other than looking like some one who cares. It's like some obligation for them to keep up with every trend no matter how pitiful.

Also, it's fucking AFRICA! Western imperialism has fucked over that poor bastard continent for all it's natural resources for centuries.***

Nobody mentions the fact that we unknowingly support child labor in Africa. Those kids are picking our cotton and being beaten like a... Slave?***

Could we make a video about that and post it all over Facebook? Yes! Will people take action by not purchasing cotton? Probably not, it's too inconvenient. Reposting videos is easier.***

Finally. It's caused so much arguments that go nowhere and end in name calling and child's play. How can I take anyone's opinion seriously after reading this on my newsfeed?***




This sort of immaturity is what turns me off from any decent conversation with anyone.***

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this link is pretty funny but i havent checked the earlier posts so sorry if its a repost


. i fucking hate all these 'politically active' fucken hippies who think they make a difference because they "LIKE" something on facebook. the mook life dudes definately did like a million times more for the community from that thanksgiving shit than 99% of the people spreading that fucken dumb video did for the world



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i honestly could give two shits about the non profit...but awareness is what its all about (for me). there are plenty of people that don't know what's going on in the world. he is right about one thing at least...and that's making it more well known to help make it stop.


there's bad people all over the world. some that we know about, some that we don't. but when people take kids, tear families apart, turn them into solders, sex slaves, and terrorists, it's time to find a solution to end it.



just my 2 cents. shit sucks.

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Re: kony 2012


More like if you didn't feel empathy BEFORE the video, but now that it's popular you do, something's wrong with you.


Thank you for verifying what I said about hipsters arguing over

whether it's more hip to agree with this shit or to bash people for agreeing with it.


Because feeling empathy for kids being abducted at gunpoint and forced to kill their parents

then become child soldiers for some cult leader who makes Charles Manson look like Mother Theresa is so 2011.



Fucking hipster faggots.

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Re: kony 2012


Thank you for verifying what I said about hipsters arguing over

whether it's more hip to agree with this shit or to bash people for agreeing with it.


Because feeling empathy for kids being abducted at gunpoint and forced to kill their parents

then become child soldiers for some cult leader who makes Charles Manson look like Mother Theresa is so 2011.



Fucking hipster faggots.


In your mind making this post is probably the equivalent of throwing bags of rice out of the back of red cross truck as it moves from african village to african village. The entire continent is probably rising out of poverty as you hit reply. With the imaginary africa in your mind nourished and safe, your white guilt subsides, you've convinced yourself you're a good person, and you can finally go back to watching cougar town.


I don't see anything good, caring, concerning, or empathetic about liking a video. I see people being forced to feel guilty about living far away from Uganda, and a whole lot of americans passing the buck... then feeling self righteous about what a good buck passer they are. Think about the entire message of that video: "Pass the buck to us, so we can pass the buck to the united states government, because we much rather sell teeshirts, make videos, and whine to Obama than do anything for ourselves."


But Im glad you feel better about yourself by defending the video.



THATS what Facebook should do. They should get rid of the "like" button and put an "I'm a good person" button on the homepage page that people can click themselves and feel smug.

12pack would be sitting on his computer going click click click click click click click click click click click.....

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