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Advice for your: Shitty Relationshits THREAD


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He should take her on a five star trip to S.Korea under the guise of "trying to save our relationship". Then he should rent a hot air balloon and take her on a champagne and picnic in the air tour of the Korean countryside. He should then drug her champagne, when she is knocked out he should set the balloons path for N.Korea. Just before crossing the border, he should parachute out of the balloon leaving her with a dslr with a telephoto lens, a rifle and lots of photographs of Kim Jong Un. Let N.Korea do the rest. Cheating whore.

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15 would be worth a momentary nostalgic journey though... just cant see it worth buying every week at that price .


fruity pebbles for 15 a box while living in another country.. personally i see it worth plunking down $720 for a years worth if given the chance

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THe internet isnt for solutions. It's for endlessly ranting about shit that pisses you off.


This isnt a sexual relationship but it is intimate in the sense that i have to live with this fucking retard.


My roommate is a 28 year old indian computer scientist who I figured was going to be straight laced, clean, boring yet sterile and cause me no problems. Turns out india breeds man children who can't do anything for themselves because they're expected to get married and the woman's supposed to do everything for them.


He's been here for three days and the house already reeks of his B.O.


Yesterday I was minding my own business making pasta when he launched into a story about how for the last three years he's been a speaker at a 3 day self-help lecture and for forty minutes talked about how he's helped people work on themselves though his buddhist brand of pseudo intellectual existentialist bullshit. I told him he should focus more on taking showers daily and washing everything in his bedroom.


Thats my advice to all you suicidal retards: Just focus on taking showers.

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hit her in the lower back with a piece of firewood.





















































































hit her in the lower back with a piece of firewood!!!

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wonder why she was cheating on him


maybe it was because he's a guy who has friends called McLovin that start threads about a divorce crisis on oontz







Chicks cheat for the same reason men do.

To get off on some strange.

Then they try to make up some psychological excuse for it in an attempt to make it sound like her dude had it coming, whereas men usually admit that they just wanted some strange.

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He should take her on a five star trip to S.Korea under the guise of "trying to save our relationship". Then he should rent a hot air balloon and take her on a champagne and picnic in the air tour of the Korean countryside. He should then drug her champagne, when she is knocked out he should set the balloons path for N.Korea. Just before crossing the border, he should parachute out of the balloon leaving her with a dslr with a telephoto lens, a rifle and lots of photographs of Kim Jong Un. Let N.Korea do the rest. Cheating whore.




This might just be the best advice I've ever read in my life.

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See, I would endorse something like this, but it would be a bit more of a long procedure, and not result in any deaths. At least not right away. He should:


Allow the cheating to continue. Begin to drink heavily, and lose his job. Nap during the day in loose boxers and a stained wife beater, generally sleeping off a drunk. Whenever she wakes him (which will be often) he will become physically abusive. During the evening when she makes dinner, he will joke with her and act kind, then hit her in the lower back with a piece of firewood.


Essentially, after months of this treatment, she will become extremely submissive and unable to continue cheating due to her fear of him. He might want to have a talk with her lover from his car with a gun resting just barely in sight. Control and balance will be restored. He might have to start hitting his kids for good measure.


Suggest to him that he reads pulpy novels for further inspiration; that chain of events is heavily borrowed from Stephen King. He'll figure something out.


You're really relating to her on a higher level. She really gets your creative intelligence to spark. You almost said something completely different than her. Yet, so cohesive.


Im happy for you man, you found one of the good ones man.

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