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Dog dog bark bark woooooof


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its been said, but you are looking for a cat.


dogs have huge personalities, not wanting to take them outside and let them be what they are--descendents of wolves, is indicative of future neglect.


some breeds are more lethargic than others, and i have seen dogs that are trained to use cat-boxes.


no matter what you settle on--don't buy from a puppy farm. find a reputable breeder with a strong and healthy lineage in the breed. you will get a better dog and won't be supporting shitty people.

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Toiletseat... you light up my fuckin life...


but you should look into west highland terriers... again, they're fuckin' minge-magnets and they're small... don't need too much walking, don't shit too much and they'll bite a motha-fucka if needs be...


i would post a photo... but i am to compooter illiterate to do so...

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Get a Doberman Pincher. I grew up with them a good portion of my life. They are loyal, very, very protective of you and your family. My father always had one. The earliest one I can remember when I was like 6 years old and this awesome dog would post up on the floor, at the edge of my bed at night. I'd hear her growl if she heard some random noise. She'd literally walk to the hall wall and peep out the noise and come right back to her spot to protect. She would do this in the rest of the family's rooms. I can't stress how loyal and protective they are.


If you don't go the adoption route, get a baby one and raise it yourself.

Plus, look at these cute little fuckers:






Then once he or she is full grown, they look mean as shit, but are the most loving dogs, in my opinion.




And if someone dick hole tries to fuck with you and yours, best believe he/she will rip that fuck to bits. imagine this running after you at full speed. no chance that ass is getting away without going to the emergency room/cemetery afterwards:





cool story br0

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If you get a Doberman do not cut their ears. My family cut ours and kind of regretted it because of the pain the dog went through and it just didn't seem necessary once it was all said and done. Co-sign them being loyal and protective. My family had to adopt ours out because she kept freaking out guests who would run instead of holding ground when they arrived at the house. Once they started running it was on and always ended with a bite in the ass. Same dog smashed threw a wood paned glass door to get to another dog to play. So basically, they are awesome loyal dogs with a lot of power and fearful appearance.


I have a little (3 month old?? but she is tiny) lab border collie mix sitting by me right now. She is a rescue dog that we are fostering until we can find a new home for her. She is really sweet and mellow. Last week had an 8 week old chocolate lab that was abandoned in a field. Awesome dog and it has since been adopted to a new family. Labs or lab mixes are great dogs but maybe not what you are looking for since they are not catish!

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Nobody mentioned a beagle?? :(




Deez cute little niggaz are this shit.


Word, I have a beagle. She's awesome but fuck they will eat anything. Even after like 12 years she still tears through the bins and any food sends her wild.

But an awesome pal, pretty hairy but not that crazy curly hair that gets all over everything.


Here she is



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