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Occupy Wall Street


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I personally don't like Occupy, great ideas, bad execution. In nyc, it's just a bunch of white kids with their anarchy pamphlets and books, with the token black or minority there to validate their "mission".


Occupy comes into the hoods of brooklyn handing out pamphlets and no one has time for that. while you're giving up your jobs and living on the streets as protest, others must go to work to survive, not just for themselves but for a populace of people that has no backups, savings, and lower than normal unemployment rates.


A lot of people in my neightborhood don't want these white college-aged kids preaching to them about oppression. We fucking know, we've had 400 years of it. 9% unemployment? try 25% for the black communities in urban areas.


Just my piece, y'all.

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It had to get pretty ridiculous before I walked away from OO, but I was an activist for years before OWS and that hasn't changed (and won't change).


In Oakland, a certain faction of people decided to take whatever good will OO had left and throw it back in the face of the community....when I said "hey, if this is about making the world a better place, then we need to listen when the community says they've had enough," I was called an Uncle Tom and a Peace Cop and censured. All they wanted to hear was that they were badasses and all they wanted to see was news clips of them breaking shit...there's not much room for constructive criticism there.


There's still good stuff happening here, and I'm still part of it but at this point in my life I don't have time for power plays and drama....it's pretty clear to the longstanding radical community in the East Bay that whatever momentum OO had is over with.


It is good to see that the OWS folks are doing good things after Sandy in NYC, but they should be doing that anyway without the "see, OWS is good, the media just makes us look bad" song and dance. If that's not the case, then I take that back...but it sure looks like they're playing their good deeds up in the press from here.

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