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moving abroad


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HHHHAAAAAA!!!!! Jobs in Paris... what else did your shitbag cousin lie to you about?


she didn't say anything to me about jobs. how ever, my mother/her bf own a restaurant and he has been cooking all over (started in france) since '68, so he knows a bunch of people in the restaurant business that i can go and knock on their doors once i'm ready.


Running from your problems will not solve them. Good luck.


Also, does your cuz know you're a junkie?


as i said in the OP, i've been wanting to move since 08, a year before i even know what oxycodone was. and no she does not, only my mother, her bf and my brother know.


boop boop beeep


yeah, good luck. dunno. move somewhere you'll know the main language


don't marry an oontzer and then come back to the states and fuck up. lull.


sounds like this happened to a certain person...


can i come?


if your a girl, sure!


Make a photo-thread depicting your dope sickness and all the sketchy shit you do to find your vice out there....could be an legendary thread.


i will try, but i get lazy with that stuff.


I just got back to NYC a few weeks ago from a 7 month stint in Paris. I don't know how... blah blah blah


thanks, i appreciate it and will for sure be hitting you up!


thanks to everyone else for your commentary.

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might as well throw this question down and here..


i know they have homeless shelters in paris ive read up about them online but im curious if anybody has any additional information about them and also whats up with tents? i read they give homelss people tents?


any feedback is greatly appreciated


Yes they give out tents to homeless people, you'll see them around. I was staying in Paris at a place without a shower some years ago. They have public bathing houses for the homeless and we'd use those. They were clean and well kept. Atleast the ones I went to. Nothing nasty going down.

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have fun!


jobs are everywhere.


just like heroin.


be careful



haha indeed.

go to a place like a rehab center to get off dope.. not paris.


and bojangles, there really aren't tons of junkies marauding this site if you ask me

we just have a few over-sharers maybe. the people i know on here, and there's a good number of em now, none of em use dope and a few don't do any drugs at all.


i had no problem trying dope a few times and never doing it again. i'm not sure why anyone would want to live life in a total fog like that

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Your habits follow, where ever you go there you are. I tried getting away from San Francisco cause of bad habits only to find them in south america. After about 6 months of crashing at family members homes it felt no different then SF. Same routine/different location. I came back home and got sober here

but miss living abroad. Good luck! Don't blow a great opportunity.

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I got off a plane in Paris one the day of a full solar eclipse back in 1999. The reason I was going to Europe was to visit friends and get myself out of a situation where I was abusing narcotics. While I was there a good friend passed away back at home from a overdose that was not entirely accidental. He found his way out of addiction, I am glad that I followed a different path.

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I got off a plane in Paris one the day of a full solar eclipse back in 1999. The reason I was going to Europe was to visit friends and get myself out of a situation where I was abusing narcotics. While I was there a good friend passed away back at home from a overdose that was not entirely accidental. He found his way out of addiction, I am glad that I followed a different path.


haha indeed.

go to a place like a rehab center to get off dope.. not paris.....

i had no problem trying dope a few times and never doing it again. i'm not sure why anyone would want to live life in a total fog like that


everyone has their own way to do things. rehab and the 12 step program do not work for everyone.


i dont want to turn this into a dope thread, but i had no problem doing it a few times either. then i kept doing it, and that was that.


800$ should be enough to get a suboxone prescription filled, and a coogi sweater.


great then you gotta get off the subs!


Your habits follow, where ever you go there you are. I tried getting away from San Francisco cause of bad habits only to find them in south america. After about 6 months of crashing at family members homes it felt no different then SF. Same routine/different location. I came back home and got sober here

but miss living abroad. Good luck! Don't blow a great opportunity.


i hear that. i do realize this great chance that i'm given, and i plan on using it to my advantage for sure. just starting my life, what better way to do it then half way across the world.

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anyway, i made it here, missed that crazy earthquake in nyc for this shit.. pshh. i'm going to get a camera in a few weeks i think - my shitty 1.3 bb camera doesn't capture the beauty of my throw up.. tomorrow i'm gonnna start venturing out and if i get any good pics i'll post them.

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