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moving abroad


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i utse, but am really lazy.


anyway, on monday i move from nyc to paris, with 800$ in my pocket, a place to stay (my cousin) and a few job leads. once i get there i'll probably start withdrawing from dope (one of the many reasons of leaving nyc). i speak french, have citizenship there as well and know a small handful of people.


so, who has moved abroad here? i'm thinking more long term (1 year +), what did you do if you carried a drug addiction with you? any suggestions people can make about what to do in paris for the first week or two while i'm feeling like shit and not looking for a job?


anything else anyone can say about this? i'm pretty excited, i've been wanting to do this since 2008 and now i finally got my one way ticket. i'm also scared shitless. i'll update later... notm uch to do except wait for monday!

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might as well throw this question down and here..


i know they have homeless shelters in paris ive read up about them online but im curious if anybody has any additional information about them and also whats up with tents? i read they give homelss people tents?


any feedback is greatly appreciated

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I just got back to NYC a few weeks ago from a 7 month stint in Paris. I don't know how you have citizenship (I'm guessing one or both of your parents are French) but I hope you do the best with it and don't squander it. I was pretty sad when my visa expired and I had no means to renew it. They are equally harsh about drugs, particularly hard drugs but mar1juana also.


That being said, I found Paris to be more welcoming than NYC, in terms of meeting young people. I skateboard and that is one of the ways I met all my friends in Pan-am. The cool areas are almost exclusively in the north (18, 19 and 20 arrondisements.) The canal St. Martin is the shit, just be careful drinking there after 9pm (for whatever reason they give tickets there whereas you can drink on anywhere else 24/7.)


Painting is a sinch, it's actually better to do it daytime/early morning. Early early sunday morning is the best time. If you're into that. Be smart and don't get caught, but since you're French they won't really do anything to you do. As with NYC however, be careful with Métro property. They do take that serious.


Your dollar isn't worth shit, the £uro will wipe it's derrière with it. Get a job teaching English privately. Dress respectably, act with dignity and you could probably pick something up.


PM me if you have any questions, if I can I'll answer them.


Lucky bastard.

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I swear, sometimes I feel like I'm the only one on this site who's not a junkie, has a job and some cash in his pocket.


Kinda' Ironic how all these new ads and marketing is geared towards people with expendable incomes and whatnot.


I am in the same boat as you. I support 12oz, but I just do not like any of the products that are advertised here.

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