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Two of the West Memphis Three to be freed Friday

Gnarly Sheen

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(Memphis 8/18/2011) WREG-TV has learned an agreement has been reached to release two of the West Memphis 3.


All three will admit guilt to the crime and two will be released with time served


Multiple sources, including the father of one of the victims, have confirmed this will be announced at a special hearing Friday.


That hearing is scheduled to be held in Jonesboro, AR.

Damien Echols was sentenced to death, Jessie Misskelley, Jr. was sentenced to life imprisonment plus two 20-year sentences, and Jason Baldwin was sentenced to life imprisonment.





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The West Memphis Three trials make me angry. Put people in jail because they like heavy metal music, ignore DNA evidence that it was the stepfather of one of the victims. Now, they have to "admit guilt" in the hope that they can get out after almost 20 years.


This! It's so fucked. They interviewed an inmate, on local radio here, that served time in the same jail with the three. He basically said on open air, "there was no way these kids could master-mind such a killing and get away. The kids hardly had the metal capacity of a 3rd grader."


They're basically saying they will let them go if they admit they're guilty because the whole case is filled with stacks of paperwork and DNA samples steering every-which-way around these three. Someone mentioned that the reasoning behind them admiting guilt is so the state of Arkansas doesn't have to pay them for being wrongly imprisoned.


And yes, it's fucked the read dude who did this got away clean. Who knows, I'm sure karma has caught up to him - if you believe in such.

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Thank God. . .


. . . they finally let these poor kids out of jail.


"Three inmates who were the subject of an HBO documentary claiming their innocence in the murders of a trio of boys were released Friday.


Damien Echols, 36, Jason Baldwin, 34, and Jessie Misskelley, 36 -- or the "West Memphis Three," as they were dubbed in the media -- were convicted as teenagers for the May 1993 killings of three 8-year-old boys from West Memphis, Ark. . ."







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at least check the first page before you start a new topic.



anyway, it's bullshit

they should be exonerated

but i'm thrilled they are getting out


and no, they won't be paid, part of the plea deal is that they won't sue.


they got FUCKED and their lives got wasted. a travesty.

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Re: Thank God. . .


they will be paid millions


whether that is worth it or not, i could give a fuck; i am not seeing a penny of that money


brie toast


You're brilliant they had a plea agreement, they aren't seeing a fuckin penny from the court; maybe their support group though.

People in this thread needa do their research.

Irony of this threads name is, if this faggot god exsists the guilty would have been serving time in this case.



And yeah, i'm hella mad faggots.

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at least check the first page before you start a new topic.



anyway, it's bullshit

they should be exonerated

but i'm thrilled they are getting out


and no, they won't be paid, part of the plea deal is that they won't sue.


they got FUCKED and their lives got wasted. a travesty.


This, knows whats up.

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at least check the first page before you start a new topic.


Actually I used the search box and nothing came up.


I really don't get what the big deal is about someone starting a new thread. I never got why it makes people so mad. Everyone on this site attempts to pass themselves off as some sort of "heartless thug", but the seeing old news or a repeat topic on a web site for nerds throws them into a complete frenzy.


Customer - "Hey man, I really need some blow, can you meet me somewhere and sell me something? . . . after all, you are my dealer."


12oz User - "Listen br0, I'm having a real bad day. . . saw two repeat topics on the ooontz and a post with old news, I can't be bothered feeding your addiction today. Try me tomorrow, things may look up."

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the question is, could the investigation open back up and put that mullet guy in prison for actually committing the crime?


Mullet guy as in John Mark Byers? It's funny how during the first trial/in Paradise Lost he was parading around talking all that bullshit about them being the devils spawn and digging graves in the woods for them, but now he's come out and said "They are not guilty!".

Dude is fucking whack. Didn't he have all his teeth removed, after they found what looked like bite marks on the children? I'll have to brush up on it all, been a while.

Also, who said they were satanic kids anyway? I dunno where he/the jury got that from. They listened to metal, they weren't sacrificing the neighbours cats in the woods or anything.


I don't know how anyone can still think they're guilty really. They've all been separated over the years, in solitary and surely in that time one of them would have cracked and said something if they did it. The only one who ever admitted to it was Jesse Misskelly and that was after hours of police pressure, and what he admitted was bullshit anyway, because the kids were in school at the time he said they did it.


It's good they're finally out, but it's nowhere near over for any of them. 18 years of their innocent lives because a bunch of retard rednecks ate up some bullshit that they were satanic devil spawn who raped and killed their kids.

Oh and John Mark Byers wife said she'd eat the skin off their faces. :D



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